Possible out comes?

M.O. Exotics

New Member
hey guys i know what im doing with geckos but genetics can always be a little confusing. So i was just wondering what will i get when i breed my Sunglow poss het eclipse to my lavender reverse stripe APTOR poss het eclipse


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Here are some tools to help you figure it out:

Sunglow: albino (simple recessive - will only produce visible albino if bred to another albino or a het)
superhypo (linebred - will produce a range of spotting with more chance of superhypos if bred to another superhypo)

Aptor: albino (see above)
lavendar (linebred - may produce geckos that preserve the lavendar but no guarantee)
stripe (seems to be genetic - will produce patterns including aberrant, jungle, stripe, reverse stripe, patternless stripe)
tangerine (linebred - will produce a range of color from yellow to tang)

possible het eclipse: If both are truly het eclipse, you should get some with eclipse eyes and in theory, could produce a Raptor. Since both are only possible hets, you still won't know whether or not either is a het if no eclipses are produced.

You should be able to figure out what you can get based on the info above. Note that most of your traits are linebred, so you will get a range of outcomes. ALso, it will be a good idea to keep track of which of your offspring without spotting looks that way due to being banded with no spots vs. being striped with no spots.


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