laughing dog
I recently got two new geckos that were alert, active and seemingly social(though seemed really bad compared to the pic i saw of them before going way out to get them). anyway the aside the looks and smell of the tank, which looked like it hadnt had anything done with in years(the sand was concreted and wet with urine feces and piled inches high with dead crix and supers, as well as crawling with tiny rice/grain beetles). the geckos looked burned on there skin and tongues, and at least one was sneezing, though the guy assured me the pair was eating good, and had just been hand fed(which i believed cause they ran right to me when i opened the cage, and licked me like little puppies). well i was a sucker to get them out of there cause he said some other herps had died off, and i payed maybe to much, just cause i wanted them and didnt have the time to try to haggle further(got the full twenty set up for$100). since I've had them there doing a lot better, but seem shy compared to what they were, and not eating or going hardly(force fed the female some crix), but the supposed male ate six out of my hand, one after another once , and has caught at least a couple in the cage. the smaller female is what im worried about cause it could just be stress(she has struck at at least a couple crix maybe, but hasnt eaten any). she, or both, are attacking the calcium, cricket food and drink gel(is that ok?), and i was finding little bits of sand around, so they may have been pooing it out, but look to have such big bellies, with easily found ribs, though the male has a big fat tail. the female looks to have huge eggs in her, that are red to pink, but of two of the owners i know of in the at least maybe three year old couples life, their has been no notice of eggs, mating, or fighting(the sand/gravel was like wet glass), but there twenty gallon had no water, minerals, or humid hide. they both look like maybe girls to me by the vent areas, but the one has more of a male shape(and im not sure if they were mateing right after being in the new cage), by what ive seen on here. Im hoping the female is not impacted, or eggbound, or infected(their skin both still smells a little, but the female's breath is horrid). if she is eggbound, infected with something like pneumonia, or pin worms, or impacted, what would i do for them, aside from a vet which isnt an option right now, sadly???