The Bold Stripe Bell in the second photo was purchased by another breeder... and he didn't even blink an eye at the price tag! LOL!!! Now, I have seller's remorse.
oh oops... nevermind, I read that wrong... I'll just have to wait for another one like it, and you better bet, I'd pay whatever you asked for a baby that good lookin!
One of the three strains of Albino is all it is, the others two are Tremper and Rainwater. You are in the right place to be learning, trust me, I was right there with you a little over a year ago. Never hesitate to ask. :main_thumbsup:
my Bell X Fasciolatus (these girls will be used to out cross my bell red eyed enigma, the fasciolatus male that was used was an F1, so new blood will be added to the enigmas to make them stronger and grow faster.:main_thumbsup: ) View attachment 10600
and my Bell X eclipse (RADAR) (i should get eggs soon from this cross) View attachment 10601