Premature hatchling


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
What levels of temperature fluctuation and over how long are we talking about?

I believe that steady temperature fluctuation is not a problem, but temp. hikes of more than 3-4 degrees all at once IS a problem.. many people keep ziplock bags or containers full of water in their incubators to help with this issue.. the water keeps the heat synchronated better because it warms up, and then takes longer to fluctuate in temperature (unlike air). So basically, having the water in the incubator helps keep the temperature from rising or falling too quickly during those times when it's necessary to open the incubator. Also, it's good not to candle eggs too often, if at all; and it's definitely not good to open the incubator several times in one day. We only candle eggs when they are first laid, then never touch them again until they hatch. We also only open the incubator weekly so that we can open the containers for air exchange. When babies are close to hatching, I might do this every other day, but that's it.
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New Member
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

I had a breaker go out Sunday evening and my temps dropped at the thermometer about 4 degrees (I have eggs at day 35, day 21, and day 2, and day 1 in there)

However I have my eggs in the incubator inside another plastic tub with top so it should have been less of a change in that box.

And I am sorry to hijack the thread - was just concerned about getting some of the same issues.


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
I experienced these types of issues during my first season.. I had some babies hatch and there were too many eggs in one container apparently because the hatched babies kicked up/undug the other eggs, turned them over (which is also not good), etc.. I also had the incubator open the whole time when I was trying to fix the problem and the temp. spiked at least 5 degrees during that time.. all of the babies ended up hatching except for one (if memory serves correctly).. one of them had a pretty bad deformity and the one that didn't hatch at all ended up having two heads (I cut open the egg to see why it didn't hatch).

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