I swear you have the brightest, most colorful baby pics I've seen! What are you using for a camera setup/lighting? Theyre so vivid that they almost look unreal! It's too bad they don't look that bright when they're adults. Congrats on the hatches and keep the amazing photos coming Mike.
We all have our secrets Chris..... ( I use a Canon T2i)
Hope to see you guys out at some Florida shows in the future so you can see that they actually look better in person....and alot stay pretty darn intense even as adults!...mostly due to alot of hard work line-breeding done by other great breeders that have spent many years selecting for long term results,.... and then allowing me to cross their hard work into mine.
Hot stuff! As far as not looking that good as adults, I bet those Tangs will be hella cool 'b'! I don't do Hypo stuff at all it just is not what I like about Leopard Geckos... Mike these have to be some of the best patterned Tangs I've seen! Right up there with Kelli's Electrics!
There's no doubt they should be top shelf tangs when they're adults. My comment was mainly about how the lavender goes away and becomes subtle. I love when they have so much bright lavender as baby's. Not taking anything away from these guys, as they are truly amazing, but they will more than likely lose the intense lavender and awesome contrasting patterns. I've always loved baby's more than adults but that's just me. Halloween Masks are a perfect example of this, they are so bright and intensly colored as babys, but they lose that color as adults. Regardless, I agree these are some of the BEST tangs I've ever seen as babys. Maybe you could post a picture or two of adults from this line if you have any.
Wow, some of the best, brightest geckos I've seen! The lavender coloration is incredible in contrast to the oranges. #1 and #3 are my favorite. Spectacular geckos, keep up the fantastic work.
I can attest from seeing Mike's geckos at the Florida shows that their colors are just as vivid in person. He always brings great stuff. We picked up a bunch last couple shows.