Project W is in Effect!!!



My fiance and I have a cornsnake named Wendell, which we bought last year from the NBHS Reptile Show. Until we could find an apartment, a friend of ours has been taking care of him for the past month and a half.

Last night, we went to go get our snakey to bring him to our new apartment... that's when we found out that he wasn't in his enclosure :(! My friend and his roomies last saw him in there the day before when they cleaned his water bowl and gave him new water, then they closed him back up until we could pick him up. The weird thing is, the enclosure was latched shut and the screen top was being held down by a lamp, some envelopes, a box of tacks, and a roll of tape in a dispenser.... so we don't know where he could have gone! :(

We searched through warm and dark areas of their whole house, but no luck... we went through closets, clothes, bags, shoes, under the fridge, under the stove, around computers and consoles... nothing.

Later today, I will be setting up the soda bottle traps for him to go into for food and hope that he'll end up found in the next day or two... if not, then we'll be sad :( We are calling this: Project W: Bring Wendell Home.

Please help us pray that he comes up safe!

And here are some pictures...

Last year, we got him at 25 grams (underweight for his age) - he could fit in my hands!

And this pic was taken 2 months ago (~120 grams) - he can't even fit in Leon's hands!


i wish you all luck bringing ur corn back safe :)

at my college we had a lose gecko for almost a year got it back though had been eating all the droped bugs i am sure where there is food your snake should soon follow


Thanks RepBex! I need all the luck I can get!! :)

And with the traps, I'm hoping he'll pick up the scent and get drawn to the bottle... I just hope he can figure it out. Heck I'm having a time just trying to figure out how it works. I just know - soda bottle, cut off the top, turn the top inside out into the bottle, and when he goes in for the mouse, he'll get stuck. I dont know how well that'll work, but I'm hoping it does!!

Thanks again, I'll update with any news on his whereabouts!


u could try a bucket trap if u have one big enough he cannot get out

lean the bucket atainst steps made out or books dvds anything place a cloth in the bottom for him to hide in once caught and but in the food

then he get in the bucket it stand back up right and hopefully the sides are highenough he cannot get out

the blanket is so he can hide (feel safe)


Lizard Lady ツ
The sticks
Good luck with finding your corn. Try to do another search. This time look under EVERYTHING. Don;t leave some thing un cheaked.

Hope you find him!


i hear snakes can also get inside things so i would remove draws and look inside the back of the couch..

keep us updated


Hey Everyone!!!

My friend's roommate found Wendell in the bathroom last night! I'll be leaving work in 15 minutes to head over and pick him up to bring him back home!

Yay! :)

Thanks for all of your support! :D

- Aimee and Leon


Just wanted to share!!! These pictures were taken yesterday when I went to pick up Wendell from my friend's house after work :)




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