My gecko Bowie went to a checkup on Wednesday where they removed some rather large sperm plugs. His bottom looked a little irritated but they said he'd be okay and gave me some pain meds. By the time I got home he had prolapsed on one side. So I call the vet back, and drive another hour right back to the vet where they add a stitch to hold him in. I thank them and drive home. I arrive home again to see that he has prolapsed AROUND the stitch on the same side. This time slightly larger. I call the vet again immediately. I tell them I'm not willing to drive back a third time today and they tell me to bring him in early the next morning for potential surgery. The next day comes, we go. They take him, and return with a second stitch and he is all tucked in. No surgery. I'm a little skeptical by now so I drive around town a little before we leave to see if anything happens. He doesn't prolapse again so we go home. Friday he is fine. Saturday he is fine. I wake up today (Sunday) and he is prolapsed again. It looks like he may have bitten the stitches. The prolapse is bigger than ever. My vet is not open again until Tuesday. He is in a moist paper towel tank with a water dish. I have some sterile lube to put on the prolapse from my last visit. I am so worried and so disheartened. I don't want him to die and have no exotic trained emergency veterinary services. With keeping it clean and lubricated, do you think he will be okay until Tuesday morning? I am assuming they will have to operate by that point. In fact, I will insist. I can provide a photo if needed but didn't want to NSFW anybody.