Protect your children!

Tampa, Florida
I enjoy my job. I do penetration testing and security assessments on company networks, web servers, etc. I also do incident response. Like I said, I enjoy my job... most of the time.

A few weeks ago, I was called in on an incident response job. This companies IT manager was put in jail for child pornography. My job was to make sure he did not have anything on the companies computers. The sicko did end up having videos with him and young boys. Fortunately, nothing was found on the company network... except that he knew nothing about network security.

The FBI found that he was running nine child porn servers out of his home. They said they had enough with what they found at his house to put him away for life.

So what's my point in all this? I want to help others protect their children. People think that you have anonymity on the Internet. Well, you don't! Kids today are on sites like myspace and Youtube posting information which feeds these perverts. People don't realize that you can be tracked down from half way around the world just by posting on the Internet.

One way you can help protect your family is with a content filter. In the past, most of them did not work well. I could get around most all of them. The one I'm using now is Microsoft Family Safety. It 's public beta now and free. I'm not sure how long it will stay free though. I have it setup on all my home network computers and it gives me full control. Check this out. It's not hard to setup at all.

- Stay Safe


New Member
it is disgusting the number of sexual predators out there, you see them all the time on the news and in the newspaper now a days.
even though i do not have children. that is excellent info and a great resource. thank you :)
i am sure more parents would love to have more resources and more info about how to keep their children safe, on the internet.

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
Wow, that is extremely sick. I really hate people in general more times than I like them.

Also, have everyone set their MySpace accounts to private. Only approved friends can view the profiles then. I also read they set something up for the parents too, but I don't know much about it.


Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
Sad... it really is... this is one of the reasons I don't watch the news that much any more other than for the weather... Sad...

The NY Gecko

Don't Get So Carried Away
Rochester, NY
Or have an actual age restriction program, I know fo 6th graders on myspace...6th GRADERS!. I'm 16, I like mine, I enjoy it, I talk to friends on it, etc. I have no fear of becoming a sexual predators target. Why? I'm larger than the average male adult and if you look at the majority of these pedophiles, they're not what you'd expect. They look nerdy to a degree.


myspace is for squares

I found a new facebook website thats ran by some wicked rad people I know. more or less people my people know. or people my brothers people know. or people that are just people that know people who happen to be people I personally know.

regaurdless its ten times cooler without the friend w**res and spam rods that myspace has. And its safer :main_thumbsup:

you want something, you trig it. thats how its done.


i had myspace for a week and it sucks, i got rid of it...its sad really......i never seen so many young people openly flaunt how much extacy they took the night before, brag about how many people they "did it" to, and all kinds of other crap, and these people were 15-17 male and female, in one week i realised just how sick the world can be, and just how much dumber kids are these days, and it really depressed me, and i had to get off of it.

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