Putting Two Females Together?

Double D

New Member
Kentucky, USA
OK here is my situation. I had one of my females in the same 29g tank with the male I'm breeding her to. She is gravid and has already laid her first clutch. Well the male won't leave her alone, bitting at her trying to *hump* some more :main_yes:. So I took him out and traded places with him and another female I have. I have limited space. My goal is to put all three of my female in the 29g. Then my two males in the 20long I have. The 20 is divided into two sides. This will free up my 2 tens and a 5.5 gallon tanks for hatchlings. Will these two do better together than the male trying to bug the piss out of her? Should I try to introduce the other female in there too? What should I watch out for? I don't want to do anything that will stess them out majorly or be unhealthy or anything. All my females are the same size, 50ish grams. All input will be appreciated. :main_thumbsup:


New Member
It depends on the females. We have a 55 gal with 4 females that get along great. They have been together for 2 years with no issues. We had another 55 that had 3 females in it and 1 of the females fought with everyone. We had to seperate her. You will just have to put them together and keep an eye on them.


New Member
BTW- we started out with 2 that had been clutch mates. When we added the other two, I did a complete tank clean then introduced the 2 new girls.


Another Way

OK here is my situation. I had one of my females in the same 29g tank with the male I'm breeding her to. She is gravid and has already laid her first clutch. Well the male won't leave her alone, bitting at her trying to *hump* some more :main_yes:. So I took him out and traded places with him and another female I have. I have limited space. My goal is to put all three of my female in the 29g. Then my two males in the 20long I have. The 20 is divided into two sides. This will free up my 2 tens and a 5.5 gallon tanks for hatchlings. Will these two do better together than the male trying to bug the piss out of her? Should I try to introduce the other female in there too? What should I watch out for? I don't want to do anything that will stess them out majorly or be unhealthy or anything. All my females are the same size, 50ish grams. All input will be appreciated. :main_thumbsup:

why not consider the 2 tens for the females.
It would be less stress for the one laying.
2 males in the divided 20
(keep them from seeing each other).....
Get the 29 set up for the babies.
Most of the time the clutch mates will get along
and maybe another clutch.
At least til you get more baby space.
Either way you go, the key to less problem is:
Lots of your time observing any combined.
Observation of not getting along and both getting
their share of food.
Take care. Hj


Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
Too late for one, but not the others. The babies from one female would be easier to manage than from three.
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New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
I don't feel like a 20 divided is really enought space for 2 adult males for me. Thats my opinion. I would rather have them in a 15 gal or a 32 qrt tub.

I really don't think that the 29 gal is good enought for 3 females. The 29's are usually taller then longer so it depend on the dimensions. Another things is that when the one female lays eggs then you'll have to worry about the other females accidently desturbing the eggs. I keep multiple females together and havn't really had that problem when it comes to disturbing the eggs but it can happen. Also individual housed geckos will thrive better.

Off of one female you are going to get anywhere from 6 eggs to 16. The space you have for potential hatchlings is not good enought. You need to get more tanks or tubs befor attempting anymore breeding. I like keeping my hatchlings in their own tubs just to keep down the chances of one eating everything or the potential of one losing a tail. It sounds like you rushed things just a little bit. You need to double your space for hatchlings if not triple it.

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
I really don't think that the 29 gal is good enought for 3 females. The 29's are usually taller then longer so it depend on the dimensions.

A 29 has the same floorspace as a 20L, 30x12. Maybe enough space if they all get along, but more would definitely be preferable.

Double D

New Member
Kentucky, USA
My 29 has three levels. I have put all three of my females in there with no issues. And the 20 long, why isn't it enough room? Most keep one adult to a shoebox size tub in a rack setup. Those tubs measure 8" x 13 1/8" x 4" or somewhere close to that. If I'm not mistaken a ten gallon measures somewhere around 24 1/4" x 12 1/2" x 12 3/4". You do do the math. I thought one Leo for every ten gallons was very sutiable. I have a friend that owns a local chain of pet shops. We set up a rack setup at his main store that will hold 30 shoebox tubs so space for the hatchlings is now not an issue. Furthernore I plan on only breeding one female at a time not all three at once. The tens now will only be holding tanks for a couple days to a week until I get them up there. Thanks for the input.

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