Quarantine in same rack?


Gecko Power
Is it acceptable to quarantine a new leo in the same rack with others but in its own slot? How to you guys with large collections handle your new additions?



Graphic Designer
Woodbine, MD
My mom brought me up as a very germ conscious person and I guess I still am because in your situation I would probably just keep the new gecko in a totally separate quarantine tank or "hospital tank". If you don't like tanks maybe purchase a very small (2 or 3 shelf) rack for holding sick or new geckos. Nice and isolated :) This way you can also pump up the heat to help out your sick guys if needed.

Maybe I'm just paranoid. I'm not paranoid enough to say they should be in a separate room or anything I just think this will make it easier for you and to keep track of what gecko is where- and to give them all a little more distance.

Remember to keep the Q-tank/rack clean at all times and to use separate feeding tongs or any tools used for your newbies. If you do use the same tools be sure to clean them between using them between the healthy and new geckos. Personally, I just soak my tongs in bleach water for 15 minutes.

I'm not a mass breeder and don't have an extremely large collection but I will be switching to a rack system in a month and have thought this through. I'm going to just save a couple of my 10 gallon tanks as quarantine tanks/hospital tanks.

If you really don't have the room for a separate Q-tank/rack and want to house the new gecko in the same rack (yet, separate tub) just be sure to keep everything realllly really clean and mark that gecko's tub with a neon post-it or something that will catch your eye to help you remember the quarantine gecko is in there!

Hope this helps!


Gecko Power
Any of the breeders have any thoughts on this? I am picking up a three slot rack this weekend. Eventually I hope for it to become my iso rack.


Mod Squad Member
Sterling Ohio
I highly suggest that you keep all quarantine reptiles in a separate rack and at the minimum on the other side of the room and preferably in a different room, if possible.

You should also have a separate water bottle, cleaning materials and feeding materials.

We use latex gloves on all our quarantine animals and we always do them last, that way we don't have a chance of transferring anything to our know healthy colony.

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