Question about my first breeding attempt


New Member
So my two Geckos have always been housed together. Bonnie and Clyde actually from what I can see very much enjoy eachother..they lay together a lot. Jan 1st I witnessed mating and then about a week later I witnessed mating again...both times there was penetration! Now for the last week or so Bonnie has really taken to the lay box (vermiculite) Not eating much and rarely comes out. Now Ive been looking at other threads on the forum and came across the thread where a few of you posted pics of gravid females and ovulating I tried to get a pic of Bonnies first it looked like I saw two spots but in the pic I got it looks like she's just ovulating. Im gonna post it maybe you all can let me know what you think. Im going to try again later I don't want to stress her by holding her up by her tail...her tail is beautiful and I don't want it to drop.

I did take her lay box out because from the pic she looks like she's ovulating and Clyde is very much a gentlemen and won't go into her box..he lays right outside it....

Oh wait UPDATE they are doing it as I type LOL HA HA HA I think i got my answer!!! Yup I took a pic of the act too!!! :main_laugh:

So I guess I should restart my count down to egg laying! Any tips for the time ahead to make sure mom and eggs stay healthy??
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New Member
first off bonnie needs to be ovulating. did you notice ovulation? a bright pink spot on the tummy (about mid to lower body)? if she is already forming eggs it could be soon or later it depends when she takes. if you can get a photo of the belly after they are done mating that would be great. just because they are still mating doesnt mean she is not gravid.


New Member
Sorry working on getting the photo attached...was too big. I got the pic up of her belly. i think she's ovulating from the pic!


New Member
yeah to me she looks like she is ovulating. since her and the male are mating though just keep an eye out for egg formation. generally before egg laying you will see the eggs quite well also she will begin to dig in her humid hide/lay box. once she lays expect eggs about every two weeks.


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
So my two Geckos have always been housed together. Bonnie and Clyde actually from what I can see very much enjoy eachother..they lay together a lot. Jan 1st I witnessed mating and then about a week later I witnessed mating again...both times there was penetration! Now for the last week or so Bonnie has really taken to the lay box (vermiculite) Not eating much and rarely comes out. Now Ive been looking at other threads on the forum and came across the thread where a few of you posted pics of gravid females and ovulating I tried to get a pic of Bonnies first it looked like I saw two spots but in the pic I got it looks like she's just ovulating. Im gonna post it maybe you all can let me know what you think. Im going to try again later I don't want to stress her by holding her up by her tail...her tail is beautiful and I don't want it to drop.

I did take her lay box out because from the pic she looks like she's ovulating and Clyde is very much a gentlemen and won't go into her box..he lays right outside it....

Oh wait UPDATE they are doing it as I type LOL HA HA HA I think i got my answer!!! Yup I took a pic of the act too!!! :main_laugh:

So I guess I should restart my count down to egg laying! Any tips for the time ahead to make sure mom and eggs stay healthy??

yeah it definatly looks like shes ovulating.u can see the pink dot in the pic

New Member
Sunny Scotland
I cant see the pic and prolly wouldnt be any help if i could but i just had to pop in and say your geckos have the best names . . . just like mine lol


New Member
Thanks guys!!! I was actually gonna name them Siegfried & Roy when I thought they were both Males HAHA! But low and behold Roy was actually a girl!

Im soooooo excited guys!!! I just hope she starts to get her appetite that ovulation is done and mating!

Another question for you guys....whats up with the vent licking??? She is always turning around and licking her vent?

I posted the pic of her ovulating on my facebook and its funny how people think Im weird LOL...but I have 5 friends waiting for my babies so I posted it to let them see the process!! but some of the other peoples comments had to make me laugh....Im glad I found this group where me showing off my Bonnies ovulation isn't weird :p


New Member
Sheffield, UK
btw, i noticed you said you took the lay box out? ... why? , if they have mated and she begins to form eggs she will need the lay box to well, lay the eggs.

also if he keeps trying to mate with her, whilst eggs are forming its going to be very stressful for her. And may cause problems.

It may be a good idea to seperate them for the time being.


New Member
I put the lay box back in today....Im concerned that she's in the box all the time and isnt really eating much at all. but Im gonna have faith that she is doing what she needs to do at this point. Im a worrier LOL

She is picky...she doesn't like mealworms only crickets and the occasional waxworm. Im hoping now that she is mated she will start to get her appetite back!


New Member
is she licking her vent mainly after mating?

well yes and no she was licking before and after she mated with Clyde the other day...and since then she has been in her lay box and will occasionally lick her vent.

UPDATE: So I feed them tonight and Bonnie was stalking the crickets from inside her lay box and couldn't figure out why she kept hitting the bin side! I felt bad...this is what i mean by she doesn't seem to want to leave her box :p

So I took a cricket and put it in the box she gobbled it up right away! So i put another one in gobble gobble!!! Now Im gonna wait and see if getting a taste will make her come out of the box to hunt more!


New Member
Sheffield, UK
But if they have mated, and she is going to lay eggs, why do you want her to come out? She may be out at night and stuff and you just don't see.


JK Herp
Just keep the lay box in at all times. They will usually stop eating about a week or so before laying but will spend a lot of time in the lay box.


New Member
Thanks guys!! All is doing well in my Leo world!! Got up this AM and Bonnie was laying with Clyde over the UTH and as I went about my morning she bid him fairwell and went into her lay box!!!

Here is my next question..So Bonnie and Clyde have been together from the moment i got them at 3inches long! They have NEVER shown ANY aggression to eachother in fact they actually prefer to lay together and I have even caught Bonnie Licking Clyde face! And even now waking up this AM and seeing them laying together on the UTH! I know many of you say that once mating happens you should take the male out of the tank...but if there seems to be no issues and Clyde isn't being overbearing to Bonnie is it necessary to remove him? What are the considerations in the decision to leave the love birds together?? Thx much!!


New Member
Sheffield, UK
well firstly geckos have no emotions to each other... they are probably lying together because it is the best heat source or best hide.

And now that they have reached breeding age ( i presume they have reached the required weights) then he will probably be wanting to mate a lot with her. which is obviously very stressful to her. especially when at a stage heavily burdened with eggs. So its a good idea to make sure there are no stressors for the female to insure healthy eggs and a healthy female who hasnt had a bad experience with laying eggs.
Also, you may have heard a few times, jsut because there arent problems now doesnt mean there wont be tomorrow, or the day after etc..


JK Herp
If you notice eggs in the female separate them so the female is less stressed while laying eggs.


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
Thanks guys!! All is doing well in my Leo world!! Got up this AM and Bonnie was laying with Clyde over the UTH and as I went about my morning she bid him fairwell and went into her lay box!!!

Here is my next question..So Bonnie and Clyde have been together from the moment i got them at 3inches long! They have NEVER shown ANY aggression to eachother in fact they actually prefer to lay together and I have even caught Bonnie Licking Clyde face! And even now waking up this AM and seeing them laying together on the UTH! I know many of you say that once mating happens you should take the male out of the tank...but if there seems to be no issues and Clyde isn't being overbearing to Bonnie is it necessary to remove him? What are the considerations in the decision to leave the love birds together?? Thx much!!

There is apic of aleo with real nasty flesh wounds.Do not house your leos takes a matter of seconds.Leos are not social animals.alot of ppl think their leos look cute as they cuddle together.your leo would probably be happier alone.


New Member
Warnings heeded peeps!!:main_yes: My new set up.

Also another question is Bonnie's lay box too big?

Well anything I forgeting?? Now its just a waiting game!!!!:main_thumbsup:

im hoping this set up will help Bonnie get her appetite back...still have not seen her eat any crickets and I don't want her to get use to wax worms.
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