Question about reporting animal cruelty


hey everyone, today i went to petsmart with my brother, and i took a look at the leopard geckos, and man was i pissed. While they were using repticarpet, there was poo everywhere, and there was a sick leopard gecko, with a tail deadly thin. It would not move, just sit there and sleep. It was still alive, because i saw it breathing.It also was pared up in a 10 gallon along with 6 other adults, and 2 fattailed geckos. I asked one of the employees to come there, and told him that he was sick. all he said was "o no hes just in a state of deep nocturnal sleep" and left off. My brother heard him after that tell one of his employees that "he just works here for the money, and he doesnt care about any animals here". So obviously he didnt know anything about them. I am wondering where i can report the shop for animal cruelty. I live in illinois also. Does anyone know how (preferably by email)??


Same thing goes on at my petsmart, I bought 2 normals just because I really did feel bad for them! I talked to the manager last time, and he tried to assure they get the best care but I highly doubt that it's true.

There was 12 Leo's in 1 10 g tank and bad eggs laying in various spots throughout the tank, thankfully the 2 I got are fat and healthy now.


I don't know who you could report it to though, I try to avoid petsmart it just pisses me off when I go in there, alot of people buy from there but I always avoid it I mean things happen and animals get sick, but I don't want to take the chance so I house mine all in their own tanks.


Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
I'll agree that every petsmart i have been to was terrible. But so far i have little beef with Petco, every petco i have been to had HEALTHY reptiles. Good conditions, clean enclosures, etc. The only thing was that they kept very young leos on sand, although they were being fed mealworms from a dish. So at least in my area the Petcos are doing well.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I live within short driving distance of at least 6 Petco's and their quality of animals range from fair to awful. Their feeders are terrible too. I once got a container of 50 superworms, only 8 of which were alive. But I have to say that a new Petsmart opened up recently which is the only pet store in town (besides the small ones I've visited and supplied with ceramic tile) that doesn't keep their leos on sand. The lizards and the feeders are all in good health and the people there seem to know what they're doing. I guess it can vary with the store even with the big chains.



New Member
Seminole, Fl
There is a websight with a link on reporting petstores, but you'd have to search it, I can never recall it. Anyhow, what you want to do is call you local humane society and tell them what you saw regarding all the animals. According to the one here petstores have to pass some type inspection or be licensed through them to be able to sell,and they go in periodically to check. It's worth calling them and keeping up with them. You can do it anonomously (sp).


I have adopted cats from petsmart in the past, 1 I still have.

It looks like they could hire people to care for the reptiles, as they do for the other animals. The cats always look healthy, along with the birds, etc.


GeckoStud said:
I'll agree that every petsmart i have been to was terrible. But so far i have little beef with Petco, every petco i have been to had HEALTHY reptiles. Good conditions, clean enclosures, etc. The only thing was that they kept very young leos on sand, although they were being fed mealworms from a dish. So at least in my area the Petcos are doing well.
same here, actually my only male is from petco.



I've never bought any animal from petsmart other than a hamster when I was like 10 but I did go in the other day to buy dog and cat food and there was a full grown blazing blizzard for sale. 99.99 and it actually looked healthy. I was so ready to buy it but my boyfriend reminded me that we have a zoo in a small house as it is. LOL. But it was beautiful and when I went back today it was gone. So it seems to me like some very lucky person just bought a beautiful gecko. But I'm not saying petsmart is good because my hamster died 2 days after I bought it, poor thing.

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