Question on introducing new gecko


New Member
Hey guys,

I have a female leopard gecko who is around a year old now. She's been living on her own the entire time in a 20 gallon long, but I was thinking about purchasing another leo.

I have become very interested in giants. If I purchase a giant ( not fully grown ) and a female obviously, could I house them together? Or do you guys think it would be a huge problem with territory issues and aggression?


Tokyo, Japan
I don't have any personal experience with housing giants and normals together, but based on the fact that two normal-sized females can encounter issues if one is a little bigger than the other I'd have to say you might end up with bullying.

I've heard that often one female, the smaller or younger one, is at risk for missing out on food or getting stressed from territorial issues.

EDIT: I'll also add that a recent thread asking about giants had people saying that a 20G is only good for a YOUNG giant and that they'd go for a 40 gallon just for a single lizard. So I think members here are going to say a 20G is way too small.


Wonder Reptiles
Giants should not be housed with regular sized geckos. The larger gecko will hog the food and basking areas, no matter the size they are when introduced. They can fight and injure eachother, are you prepared for a vet visit?

Remember when you purchase ANY new gecko it needs to be guarantined away from any existing geckos for at least 90 days.
Youll have to purchase a whole new set up anyways, I'd just house them seperately forever.


New Member
I don't have any personal experience with housing giants and normals together, but based on the fact that two normal-sized females can encounter issues if one is a little bigger than the other I'd have to say you might end up with bullying.

I've heard that often one female, the smaller or younger one, is at risk for missing out on food or getting stressed from territorial issues.

EDIT: I'll also add that a recent thread asking about giants had people saying that a 20G is only good for a YOUNG giant and that they'd go for a 40 gallon just for a single lizard. So I think members here are going to say a 20G is way too small.

I can't imagine a giant would need more space than a 20g. They aren't that much larger than a normal Leo to need that much extra space.

I wouldn't house a giant and a normal female together due to there being a size difference. Even if you could, you would need another setup to quarantine the new gecko anyways.


New Member
Well, I still say a 20 gallon long is min for a full age adult. Its space but also easier for gradient. My female is about 5 and in my opinion the 20 gallon long is almost too small for her. For a giant or super giant I would say 20 gallon long is min but that a 40 gallon breeder would be ideal for when they are full grown.

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