Question regarding the Eclipse trait


New Member
Hey all, I have a query regarding the eclipse trait. I'm due to pick up a W&Y Mack Snow Tremper Eclipse soon. All was fine until I recently read an argument about the eclipse trait in a Super Snow someone was selling. Breeder claimed it was eclipse, people said it wasn't etc and it got me thinking.

From what I understand, from those comments and the help of the morph wiki, the SS 'eclipse' eye is a different mutation to a regular eclipse eye. This I understand. However people commented how the SS eclipse should also have a white nose, all white legs and a white tail tip if it is a true eclipse, which the wiki doesn't mention.

The gecko I'm buying doesn't have a white nose, tail tip or legs, but the eyes do look solid although the pics are hard to see. Should my soon-to-be W&Y Mack Snow Tremper Eclipse show these white markers (and any other morph with eclipse for that matter)? Or does it only apply to a SS?

Thanks :)


New Member
Mandeville, LA
Being w/y and eclipse, I'd be more concerned about high white sides and white legs. Pictures would be best to post though since we can only speculate otherwise. Hatchling pics also.

Music City Geckos

New Member
I see more and more people get ripped off of thinking they are buying w&y's than any other morph. It is true though if it is a true SS eclipse, it should have a white tail tip, white nose and white feet. Now, that's not to say to what extent. I recommend to all members, if you're not 100% sure of what you're buying take a pic and post it to the forum. It might take a few hours but I can guarantee members will chime in and give you advice on the purchase.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
To clarify a bit: If it's not a super snow, then solid eyes or "snake eyes" would be enough to signify eclipse. Many but not all eclipses have the white blaze on the nose, white feet and white tail tip. Those signs would be essential for a super snow (who has solid eyes anyway) to be called an eclipse. A few seasons ago I produced several super snows where each parent had an eclipse gene. One was clearly an eclipse with the white markings, one was clearly not, and one was indeterminate so I sold it not as an eclipse. The only way to be complete sure with this one is to breed it to a non mack snow with an eclipse gene and see if you get eclipses.


Music City Geckos

New Member
I'm sorry. I completely went off on a rant about SS's and that's not even what you're looking at. I would still be worried more about the w&y. Because that will be what makes that gecko more expensive. But yes you should be able to tell the eclipse trait by looking at the eyes.


New Member
Thanks all for the replies :)

I know a pic would make things easier, but since the gecko isn't mine yet, I don't feel right about posting another persons picture here. But I've seen pictures of the gecko in question as a youngster (few months old, not hatchling) and it does show W&Y traits - high white sides, pastel banding/spotting (although that could just be because he's a Tremper), horseshoe mark on the head and the white neck band, spot/stripe from nostral to eye. The W&Y morph is completely new to me so I had already looked up what it was and found a nice post on this forum :) As an almost adult, this gecko still retains the markings above, but they are faded. So I would guess it could be classed as a 'low grade' W&Y?

It was mainly how the eclipse trait worked that had me confused and from what you guys have said, I think I understand now. Both parents were RAPTORS, one a W&Y Mack Snow so he definitely has the genes. My plan is to get an Eclipse female (probably a SS which is also why I was wondering) as my other male is a possible het eclipse, so it will be fun to test breed in the future :)

I think I was just overthinking it! Shouldn't pay much attention to everything you read on FB!!

Thanks again :)

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