Well my two new rescue leos are yesterday and i woke up to see whole mealworms in there poop i was wondering if this was normal or what it was from? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Post some pictures, It sounds like you are feeding your leopard gecko too much. It could have regurgite. (leopard geckos eat too much and will throw up little) I'm not sure but pictures will help.
I couldn't tell anything from your pic but if they eat too much at one time they will regurg. Sometimes rescues are starving and gorge themselves when they aren't used to eating much. I recently took in two 6yr old males, gave them each 3 superworms which they greedily took. Regurge, both of them. First time I've had a regurge. Then I found out the other day they had been fed pinkies about once a week. Sheesh. Now they just get 2 a day and doing good. It's a good idea to cut back on the amount you're feeding until it's health stabilizes.
I bet it is regurge also, follow Laney instruction above and see how it does. You also will want to check the floor temp on the hot side of the tank and make sure it is around 95.