Questionable water source. Feedback needed ASAP


New Member
Miami, FL
Since I've moved, I've had somewhat crappy luck with my reptiles. A pretty junky season with my Leos.. have lost several babies and quite a few eggs, my previous seasons have been far, far better. Also, my BPs have as a whole seemed less interested in food and today, along with a juvie Radar gecko, I found my female juvy Pastel BP deceased. The water tastes funny sometimes and also will leave an orange ring in the sink or bathtub around the drain. I'm not positive it is the water that is causing my reptiles to suffer but either way I would really appreciate any and all imput here!!!


New Member
Miami, FL
I buy water on a regular basis from the store in MASSIVE quantities. Everybody drinks distilled water. Even the 70 pound pit bull. I take NO chances.

Try contacting your city's water department and ask them for more information regarding having your water tested. I'm sure they could point you in the direction of where to go to find out exactly what's going on in your water.


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
I would think that well water would be the best possible situation.

Some areas have great well water. Not where we are tho and we use bottled. Bacteria and iron not only make water dishes icky, spotting on glass enclosures, but also decreases egg hatch rate. Someone who lives in our area asked me why her eggs molded up, then switched water, no further issues.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
If the water is leaving an orange tinge in bowls id be worried that clay might be getting into your lines or the lines from the street to your house, or even in your house if their older steel pipes could be corroded and rusting inside sloughing off rust particles in the water. Heavy metal toxicity sounds like a real concern here to me or possbly too much flouride in the water. Id use spring water, they need the proper minerals provided in spring water insted of going with distilled which has all that removed. Good luck, hope hings improve.

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