Questions about some info for keeping a crested


Atlanta, GA
I have seriously been thinking about getting a crested. I have been looking at them for about a month now and im set on getting one. I had a few questions so im well prepared to take care of the one i get.

1. what would a baby juvi and adult eat of the crested gecko diet mix?
2. bigger the better with this gecko or does that make it hard for them to find there food?
3. clean up how often?
4. proper humidity and temp?
5. is a light required or is a window just fine?
6. is a water fall a good idea to have due to them not drinking form a bowl i read?
7. if i deside to feed insects how often and I know the rule with live food size?

Ty for actully reading this and any info u can give.


New Member
1. what would a baby juvi and adult eat of the crested gecko diet mix?

Not sure what you mean on this one...crested geckos will eat MRP at any age, keep in mind younger ones tend to be a bit picky and some love crickets as a snack. i feed mine only crested gecko diet, and they all eat even the babies.

2. bigger the better with this gecko or does that make it hard for them to find there food?

not really, they smell it. make sure your cage has lots of hiding spots and branches they LOVE climbing and jumping.

3. clean up how often? they are PIGS! they will pretty much ruin a cage after its been cleaned as adults. babies are a bit more nice about keeping everything neat, you might want to replace the food every 2 days or so it molds fast, however i clean my crested geckos 2 times a week

4. proper humidity and temp?

they love the cool weather, no heat just keep them in the 70's they can even stand a night drop in to the 60s if it happens, but like i said 70s are perfect (71-75F 24/7 all the time for my crested geckos)

Humidity, many people say you need to spray the cages 3 times a day :main_no: yeah i couldn't keep up with that. i mist mine every time i clean them 2 times a week. sometimes more if i feel like it. you dont always want everything wet or dry. so just do it off and on i think works best

5. is a light required or is a window just fine?
Window is fine, even just room light is ok. they dont need any lights or nothing like that

6. is a water fall a good idea to have due to them not drinking form a bowl i read?

Not drinking from a bowl? dont tell mine that.....Lol. they all drink from little 2 oz cups. they will even lick up the mist when you spray them. so they will drink out of bowls. i have seen mine do it all the time

7. if i deside to feed insects how often and I know the rule with live food size?

simple thing i use, Baby crickets for baby crested gecko, adult crickets for adult crested geckos, nothing to hard about that. really babies can really pack them down just as good as adults can. i would feed 2 or 3 times week (dust feeders) and give about as much as they want.


Atlanta, GA
ty for the info and for number one i was tlaking about how much of the powder would i have to mix a day a table spoon or two or more?


New Member
small babies just a pinch to a spoon full, not much. just make as much as you think they can eat.


One table spoon of powder for an adult is good. Many times there will still be CGD (Crested Gecko Diet) in the cup when you go to replace it. Sometimes it can be difficult to tell if they are eating (other times there will be tongue marks). However, if there are feces in the enclosure then you know they are.


All the calcium a crestie needs will be in the Crested Gecko Diet formula. It's important to dust any insects with a calcium powder though and also keep in mind this is a species that is sensitive to excessive amounts of Vitamin D. My crestie gets 5 crickets once a week dusted in phosphorous free calcium with Vit.D and I do not worry about Vit.D overdose because it's a very limited amount. CGD is nutritionally complete so technically you do not need to give live prey. Many cresties love to hunt though, so offering a few insects once a week is good mental enrichment. :)

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