Questions all about food please answer ?!

leopard love

New Member
So Im going to get a juvenile leopard gecko, and I want to know what foods I can feed him/her? How much of each? How often? And how do I store the food ? And when should I get new food?

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Staff member
Somerville, MA
The most common and easily obtainable foods for leopard geckos are mealworms, crickets, superworms and roaches. The big pet stores seem to have all this available except for the roaches, at least where I am. Pick 1 or more types of food. Feed the gecko when it's a baby every evening. Feed it as much as it can eat. When it stops eating, remove the extra food, except you can leave mealworms in the dish all the time. When the gecko gets bigger (about 20-30 grams) it will only need to be fed every other day or so.
Storing feeders:
mealworms: keep in the bran they come in or add some powdered (in the blender) grains. Store at room temperature, or if you want them to last longer, put them in the fridge. Take them out for a day every week so they can warm up and eat. It's best not to feed them directly from the fridge because they'll be cold, and not moving (and therefore not attractive to the gecko) as well as less nutritious because they won't have eaten recently)

Crickets: Get some cricket food (powdered grain) and keep in a small container along with some water crystals so the crickets have food and drink. Put some egg crate (looks like the containers eggs come in) so the crickets have some place to stand. Clean out dead crickets or they will smell

Superworms: Don't put them in the fridge! Keep them in a container in the same stuff you keep the mealworms in (but not with the mealworms)

Roaches: I don't do roaches, but they are kept similarly to crickets and like it warm.



New Member
If you live in a house (preferably your own) and are an adult whom mom and dad wont scream at; then get crickets and mealworms. Crickets are escape artist , so dont be surprised if you find one in the middle of your living room.

To store mealworms , the best way is to refrigerate them as it will slow down their growing up cycle. For crickets , i guess get a cricket keeper or make your own.

Dust with calcium powder without D3 whatever it is you decide to feed, before you do.

I dont have experience with dubias since they are illegal to breed/sell in my state.

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