Hi. I'm new to the forum, and also new to Leopard Geckos. As a kid I had a couple of Iguanas. I've always been fascinated with reptiles and amphibians.
Anyways, I did all my research before I headed to the local Petsmart, but decided to buy two at the last minute. Is this a bad idea? If I had to guess, one is male, and one is female (based solely on appearance). However, I'm very worried that I have made a mistake. I love the personality of the male, and would hate to have to exchange him for a female. But the one I believe to be female is only about 3/4 the size of the other gecko. Is this too much of a size difference? I guess I am especially worried since the male eats way more then the female. I've read if one male and female are kept, the male can sexually stress the female, has anyone found this to be true?
I would like to house two, but don't have the money to purchase two "sexed" females online. Right now the ones I own are just babies, and way too small to accurately tell gender.
Here are some pics, I guess I'll stop asking so many questions and wait to hear what you guys have to say. Note that I just bought these guys Sunday, November 5th. Maybe I'm just worrying too much. Petsmart offers a 14 day guarantee, so I should be able to exchange, or refund a gecko if necessary.
Thanks to anyone who bothers to read all this. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Both are pics of the gecko I presume to be male. I'll try to get a good pic of them side by side soon.
Anyways, I did all my research before I headed to the local Petsmart, but decided to buy two at the last minute. Is this a bad idea? If I had to guess, one is male, and one is female (based solely on appearance). However, I'm very worried that I have made a mistake. I love the personality of the male, and would hate to have to exchange him for a female. But the one I believe to be female is only about 3/4 the size of the other gecko. Is this too much of a size difference? I guess I am especially worried since the male eats way more then the female. I've read if one male and female are kept, the male can sexually stress the female, has anyone found this to be true?
I would like to house two, but don't have the money to purchase two "sexed" females online. Right now the ones I own are just babies, and way too small to accurately tell gender.
Here are some pics, I guess I'll stop asking so many questions and wait to hear what you guys have to say. Note that I just bought these guys Sunday, November 5th. Maybe I'm just worrying too much. Petsmart offers a 14 day guarantee, so I should be able to exchange, or refund a gecko if necessary.
Thanks to anyone who bothers to read all this. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Both are pics of the gecko I presume to be male. I'll try to get a good pic of them side by side soon.