Quick question, please help


New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
I've searched and can't find anything relating to this question. My leopard gecko is in the office area of our home. Usually at night myself or my husband is on the computer and we have the light on. I have always covered Ozy's cage if we have the light on, so her day/night cycle doesn't get messed up, but I feel bad, because she LOVES to see what's going on and stuff. Is it a good idea to cover her cage at night if the overhead light is on?


New Member
Between two terrariums
Personally, if it's really bright I'd probably just cover three sides or something so it's more of the "twilight" they come out in but she can still see out. But it's usually pretty dark where my leo is at night (he's in a sleeping area near a window), so I've never looked into it properly myself.

Just curious, how can you tell she loves to see what's going on? :) Mine always seems to give me dirty looks if there's too much movement that isn't related to me feeding him. :p


Winchester, UK
personally i dont see the problem atall provided your not up all night it shouldnt really effect them atal. if the light effected him or he didnt like it he would hide away instead of being curious. mine love to watch me too :)


New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
See that's the thing though. I AM up all night because I deliver newspapers starting at about 2AM. So the light is usually on from the time it gets dark until I leave to go to work. I'm just concerned about it messing up her day/night cycle. I like it keep it natural. She is about 5 feet from a window which always has the blinds up, so she can see the sunrise and sunset. That is what I use for her day/night cycle. That way she also knows if it's spring, summer, fall or winter by the length of the days.


New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
Hmm.. I actually think she LIKES the cage being covered now. Then her whole viv is like a giant hide. I think it might make her feel more secure. but she is VERY inquisitive. Whenever she sees me or anyone really, she always has to come check it out. lol


New Member
If you are really worried you can switch your overhead light bulb to a red night bulb for reptiles. They dont see red light all that well so to them it is really dark but i can still see. Just an idea!

Embrace Calamity

New Member
If you are really worried you can switch your overhead light bulb to a red night bulb for reptiles. They dont see red light all that well so to them it is really dark but i can still see. Just an idea!
"Visible light, including UVA, is essential. Many reptiles have extremely good color vision. Humans have three types of retinal cone cells for color vision, and their brains combine the information from these cells and perceive the blend as a certain color. Most reptiles, however, have a fourth cone type, which responds to UVA. These reptiles see a much more colorful rainbow than humans do, which makes providing natural lighting quite a challenge. This extra color perception is especially important to many reptile species in recognizing others of their species and even food items.

Some nocturnal geckos lack the red-sensitive cone, but their green-sensitive cone also responds to red light; they can certainly see it. Studies have even shown that some use their cone types for color vision in light similar to dim moonlight. Thus it is possible that “moonlight blue” or “red night light” lamps, which usually are much brighter than moonlight, alter these animals’ view of the twilight world."


Personally, I prefer to keep as many lights off as possible at night because I think it's a good idea not to disturb their natural night/day cycle. I'm sure it won't kill him or anything, but imo, the more natural, the better.



New Member
Mine sleep whether the lights are on or off. They really don't mind unless your overhead is shining very bright right in their face.

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