Quick UTH/Heat Cable Question


New Member
Hello!~ (First let me say sorry in advance for the long post >_<)

I recently joined your lovely forum and after searching around/reading stickies I can say you all have a wonderful knowledge bank here!

One thing that didn't come up in my search (or in the instruction booklet or on Exoterra's website) is what heating cables are appropriate for what size tanks.

I Have a 20 gal long for my 3 month old leopard gecko I got a few days ago, I have had one leopard gecko before and used the normal heat mats but the salesmen sold me on the Exoterra heating cables. (mostly that you can reconfigure them as you need and create different zones and what not)

Here is the core point. I bought the 15watt 3.5 meter version (here is the link to the product page)


The price difference between the 4.5 25 watt version is negligible and I wanted to make sure I would be enough for my gecko the salesman insisted it was however my gecko is hiding in the warm hide slightly more then usual only coming out when make rustling noises or to feed.

Though I worry if I do upgrade I will go from one extreme to another!

So I think its not heating the tank enough I don't have a thermometer yet but that is on the way within the next two or three days. But I think its too cold.

Also With the heat cable it depends on how you lay it down which makes it tricky as well, and what they don't say on the box is its 3.5 meters total and 1.5 meters is just the plug. So 3.5 meters = 2 meters of active heating area in case anyone wants to know in the future!

Also I'm using two tiles at the moment with paper towel beneath them, I could try taking them out and just using the paper towel but i would rather upgrade so I can use the tile as planned! I will try to get some pictures up tomorrow! Also I will be busy the next few days so I need to get this all straightened out tomorrow if possible so any input will be welcome! :D

So I'm thinking Its a safe bet to return this one and upgrade what do you guys think?

There is an old fish tank sticker thermometer on the cool side reading 80 degrees Fahrenheit its in really bad condition so I can't count on it for accuracy but I figured I would mention that in case it helps. ( I know the hot side is supposed to be 90 something and the cool side 10 degrees lower) problem is I have no read on the hot side.
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New Member
Here is an update I got both a normal exoterra analog therm. and a digital exoterra one. The digital lead is testing the tile temp which is currently 82.9 and rising. I will post again when it settles.

I upgraded to the 25 watt 4.5 meter heat cable for the reference I would say that the 15watt exo terra heat cable is NOT suitable for a 20 gal tank without a close top or living in a very warm climate!

There is another MAJOR update! I have taken in a rescue! The poor guy is roughly (previous owner didn't know) 6-8 years old when I first got it he couldn't open his eyes.

There was about 40 crickets hopping around in the cage with him. I suspect they had gotten to his eyes! He was also VERY under fed! his hips and spine were VERY visible, and there was skin left on his head and feet for who knows how long. (his owner said at least at week or two)

I immediately gave it a bath in warm water and got the skin off and after a while and me wetting his eyes he managed to open them. At the moment I have moved him in with my original gecko who's gender is still unknown ( it is 3 months old) So far they seems to be getting along. And as promised here is a picture of the setup.


Hopefully you guys have some advice to improve the setup and help nurse this poor guy back to health!

I also just wanted to mention I have a large amount of high grade modeling clay I will be using to make a cover for the wet hide and to make a hide to replace the kleenex box so any other ideas for the clay are welcome too.
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Staff member
Somerville, MA
Heat Cable: in my experience the issue has been whether the cable is long enough to cover the amount of the tank I want to cover rather than the wattage

Rescue: it's really important that you keep your rescue separately from your other geckos for at least 3 reasons:
--if he's sick in addition to just being underfed, he may spread it to your geckos with disasterous results
--if he's sick, he could be bullied by the other geckos
--if the 3 month old turns out to be male, there could be fighting, and, if female, there could be mating attempts. Some of these geckos mature sexually before you would expect them to.

I hope things go well for you and them.



New Member
OK thanks for the advice! To my knowledge, (and going by what I was told by the previous owner) it was mostly the under feeding. The old owner lived away from any pet stores so it was a case of feeding when it was convenient (ie when they went on trips to places where they could could buy crickets/meelies and when they actually remembered to get them while there.)

For that reason I not terribly worried about sickness, however your other two points seem very valid and I will see about getting some alternative housing for him soon!

Though I am not very good at sexing geckos and the rescue's bulges seem very clear so I will post a picture up to ask you all for some sexing advice to make sure its not female! If so my life will be easier and so far they seem to be getting along!

in reguards to the heat cable it seems to be working and its a healthy/stable 86.5 on the hot side now. It would be hotter but I have them next to a window.
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Staff member
Somerville, MA
I'm glad things are improving. A few things to consider further:

--86.5 is a bit low, if you're measuring the floor temps; 92 is better. Tape a sheet of aluminum foil over the heat cable (so it's sandwiched between the bottom of the tank and the foil) to raise the temps

--even if the gecko's main problem is underfeeding, when it gets that stressed, its normal parasite load can sometimes overwhelm it and this could affect the others as well.



Carpe Diem
Dallas, TX
need to get those temps up close to 95 on the hot side, and no matter what the other circumstances, please quarantine the rescue gecko.


New Member
Here is an update! I have tinfoiled the bottom I may put a 2nd sheet if it Doesn't raise the temp enough but I also have a red 75 watt heating bulb Im using in the evenings to try and raise the temp. I have 3 hides at the moment and the rescue has taken over the middle one. neither of them seem to like the kleenex box hide so Im going to try and get another one soon.

The little one has been living in the moist hide lately (though it has been paler lately so it may just be getting ready to shed) but I know long term they should not be in the moist box for days at a time as it could lead to respiratory problems.

As for quarantining. I have a small plastic critter keeper and a 5.5 gal aquarium I can move it to but I have nothing to heat it with... I will post up pictures of the rescue later tonight. The poor thing can't even open its eyes without a first soaking in some warm water. I think I should start a separate thread for the rescue soon.

hot side temp is now at 92.0 and looks to be rising will double insulate if necessary to shoot for 93-95

In any case given what I have said how should I heat the other container or is it better to leave the rescue in? (at least it will be warm) and any idea for a hide they will like? Im thinking of getting a coconut and making hide or two out of that think that will work?


The temp is holding at 93-94 at the moment and here is link to a thread with photos of them. As always thanks for your help!
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