Rack or Display??


New Member
Aurora, Colorado
I've been doing a ton of research on racks and display cases, and it seems really vaired out there.

I have a couple of questions I hope you guys will answer:

When did you decide to either do a rack or just a couple of display tanks?? For those of you with Racks.. did you imediately decide that you would rather have higher quanity and so the cages you keep your geckos in had to be more simple, or was it strictly for breeding and selling?

The reason I ask, there are so many cool morphs out there that I would love to have one or more of each.. since that's the case, maybe buying lots of 20 gallon tanks isn't feasable. But I would also really like the geckos to be displayed, so then racks aren't really ideal.

I guess I'm just wondering from some of you out there, would you rather have lots of geckos with less display feel, or a really neat display with fewer geckos? and why?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I think whether or not to use a rack depends on the keeper and there are compelling reasons for either choice. I do have one 16-tub rack that I got from craigslist (it was homemade) that I use for my overflow babies during breeding season. I'm one of the people who prefers display. Unless you're going to have a huge number of babies, you can do a "hybrid" rack and display by getting shelf units and then buying front-opening stackable tanks from glasscages.com. They are half the height of a regular aquarium. You can put a tank on each shelf and, if necessary, divide them in 2 or 3 sections for hatchlings.



Gecko Power
I started with a 20 long for my first leo. I have since purchased 2 raptors and they are in a small 3 shelf rack. I much prefer the easy of tacking care of my leos in the rack. I also rarely ever see my leo that is in the 20. Most times when I open up my rack my leos are walking around. It seems if they are more comfortable in the rack. If you want to look at your leo open the drawer and you can see them.

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