Randomly stopped laying?


New Member
New York, Long Island
So I have had this female for about 3 years now,I know for a fact she has never been bred before me. she has laid a few clutches her first season, laid about 4 clutches last season, but this season she has only laid 2 clutches and then stopped. (1 clutch was bad, incubating the second) I dont think this is normal. She is eating fine and looks healthy, just curious as to why she stopped randomly? (shes been feeding on Blaptica Dubia occasionally dusted with calcium btw)


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I hate to say it but it happens. To me it seems that each gecko is programmed for a certain number of seasons, which could likely be modified by resting them. I have found in general that geckos who lay a huge number of eggs the first season generally "burn out" quicker. Case in point: gecko in season 1, first timer, laid 23 eggs, 22 of which hatched. In season 2 she produced only 3 babies with a number (don't have data at the moment) of infertile eggs. This season (#3) she has laid 2 single egg clutches, neither of which hatched.

Sometimes a gecko is just not prolific. My first breeder laid and hatched 13 eggs in her first season at the age of 2. The next season she produced 3-4, I think. That was in 2006. Since then she has not ovulated. She's actually housed year-round with a male because he does better with company, she spends nearly all her time in the magnet hide, and if he tries anything she rejects him very convincingly.


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