rant 2: my mother


New Member
so again i ask for a puppy today. we already have 4 (2 inside and 2 outside). i'm training to be a dog trainer at petco, but i'm about to put in my 2 weeks and go to petsmart as the deal is better. i asked if i could have a puppy if i go to petsmart. she said 'you know what i think about that, what does your father say?' now, a few days ago, my father told me that i needed a puppy to start over and fresh with, then preceded to tell me that i couldn't have one. i was rather pissed by that... and explained to my mother that it frustrated me and i just don't understand why that was done; basically say you need a dog but can't have one. whatever.... then i told her that i would get a girl; i mentioned that because they prefer girl dogs, but as i told her i would get a girl because chance was a boy. she said and i quote "you can't have a pitbull." i asked why. no answer. asked again and got 'because it may not be in out house insurance.' OMG pissed... told her i would take an american staffordshire terrier, knowing she doesn't know what they are. but she asked what they look like, and i told her. she said no. then i said fine, i'd settle for an american bulldog, as i used to want one badly, but not so much anymore. she asked how big, and i told her. i basically got the look of your crazy. yet, my father wants a bull mastiff... why would a pitbull be more liable than a bullmastiff??? i understand backgrounds and reputations, but it pisses me off... i understand that not all insurance companies will fully insure a house because you have pitbulls. but why does it matter? i mean if you get hit by a tornado, it wasn't the dog's fault. if you're air conditioner leaks and ruins the floors (which recently happened at my house), it wouldn't be the dog's fault. the air conditioner is put in a closet and the dog wouldn't be able to get to it. my yorkie is more likely to bite than a pit raised properly... whatever...


perhaps save your money from your new job and buy the dog yourself. They cant say much about that aye? But then they would probably complain that it will be too much of a hassel in your den or something of another.


New Member
Washington, DC
If you really want learn dog training- go to a rural shelter with a high turnover rate. There you will learn about dealing with aggression, anxiety, fear, lack of socialization, etc- and in the process fall in love with one of the many amazing dogs that are put to sleep every day. You may even be able to find a 'boxer mix' or such... ;)


New Member
they know that i will buy the dog. i don't want them to buy the dog. i have NO problems with buying it and paying for everything. they know that... which sucks...

i have volunteered for 5 years (not much but i'm only 19), with several shelters, and have dealt with aggression, fear, and lack of socialization. i have no problems with mix-breeds, and love them greatly. it's just right now, i want a pitbull. i miss my previous pit greatly, and haven't gotten over him, and need this to help move on. another breed would suffice, which is why i suggested to her other breeds, but i need this breed. it's rather sad i know, but i dunno what else to say. i can say, at some point i'll get fed up and will probably settle for whatever they'll let me have, which will never make me happy. i've done that before, and that dog (st bernard/ collie mix) attached to my mother. i dislike that dog greatly (various physical features).

i love the characteristics of the pitbull, physical and demeanor. i haven't seen on in a shelter that i've attached to, except one, but she was small dog agressive, and i have a yorkie, which is why i would need a puppy becuase he is semi- dog agressive (gets along after a long wait period, but still barks, growls, and bites at other dogs, never plays with or socializes with them). i would not feel comfortable bringing in a young or adult dog, my yorkie biting her, and they the new dog snapping on my yorkie. codie would attack chance and not let go, chance (the pitbull) would sit and take it because he knew not to fight back as he could really hurt the yorkie.


Alusdra said:
If you really want learn dog training- go to a rural shelter with a high turnover rate. There you will learn about dealing with aggression, anxiety, fear, lack of socialization, etc- and in the process fall in love with one of the many amazing dogs that are put to sleep every day. You may even be able to find a 'boxer mix' or such... ;)

:main_angry: gee, thanks. we just love putting many amazing dogs to sleep every day. That is exactly what we do, we wait until someone comes in, watch them fall in love with a dog, then kill it right there.


New Member
Washington, DC
:main_huh: I don't know why you go so angry at my comment...? Great dogs are euthanized every day, though not necessarily at every shelter every day. I've volunteered with shelters for 4+ years and we had to euthanize great dogs with distressing frequency. I'm not sure why the hostile comment- generally if someone expresses interest in a dog/cat/other animal then the shelter staff will do everything possible to bump that animal back from the euthanize list so it has a chance to get adopted.

What I meant by 'boxer mix' goReptiles, is that there are tons of pits in rescues/shelters, at least in my area- but they tend to get labeled 'boxer mixes' as pits have such a bad reputation. That way, you could find a 'boxer mix' puppy at the shelter, then you're parents can't complain. ("Well it doesn't look like a pit to me, mom, I don't know what you are talking about- don't you trust a rescue to label the dog properly?")

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