Rant or Rave?


New Member
Northeast USA
So, I got an interview at the school I wanted! YAY! BUT...
They got my address completely wrong! I got the invite to the interview by email.

Should I be happy to have at least gotten the interview...YEAH! But doesn't getting my address wrong show a lack of interest...ack! I don't know what to feel about that other than anxious! Should I wait until after the interview to correct them? It's way too easy to make a bad impression and this is a really competitive process (as emphasized by exclamation points everywhere)! I don't what them to say, "oh wait, you? the one who caused all that fuss over a little typo? yeah you're papers got lost in filing somewhere."

And this isn't some little typo that the postal service would know "oh hey this is a typo"! This is the error that had some random person in another state saying "what the heck is this junk mail?"...ugh, application time sucks...


Est; 1992
London, UK
I would bring it up politely at the interview, incase they want to send you care/info packages.
Remember they then know you are paying attention and are showing real interest and want to keep up to date incase you get in.

It also shows maturity if you mention it and they correct it, rather then get all fussy over the phone about it.
All good things. I would also check (not saying you did) your application form (im sure you made a copy or the school did) to check they didn't just copy the address from there.

Hope that helps, remember manners cost nothing :)


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
I agree with Sean. Mentioning the misprinted address (at least to me) shows that you are assertive and serious. As long as you approach the subject politely I don't see how it could affect you negatively. Congrats on getting the interview and I hope it goes well.


New Member
Northeast USA
Yay!!! I just called to correct my address and confirm my confirmation for the dinner party beforehand, and the person on the other end was very polite and understanding! Hooray! I made a good impression and was on my best behavior, "please" "thank you" and all the other professional courteous stuff! ...now I just have to do the same during the interview!!! :D

And I did check my copy of the address on my application and it was typed correctly, the typo was in two letters right next to each other on the keyboard so I'm assuming it was a "stuff happens" moment since they're processing how many hundreds of applications.

:D Soooo excited, but I haven't gotten an interview notice from any other schools yet :( ...but I haven't gotten any rejections either. :p

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