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New Member

That light up the top is actually a flash from my camera

the 3 bowls at the front contain tap water, BugGrub and a small pot of calcium powder.
the right hand side is the Hot side with the moist hide and a warm hide, the left has a large hide and some tissue which she uses as her toilet area LOL there are also some grapes in the back for the bugs to eat and keep some moisture.

temps i think are abit low about 31°C(hot side) and 17°C(cool side)

i want to install a red heat lamp also is this a good idea?


New Member
palmetto FL
On a scale of 1-10.
1-5 are in habitable and 6-10 are habitable.

id give you a 6 maybe a 7 tops. The tank looks dirty. Plain and simple it looks just dirty. There looks to be poop and calcium dust all over, and it deffinetly didnt get there in a week or 2.

You should not be letting bugs roam the tank, not safe for the leo. The grapes will attract more then just the feeders, youll also get little pest insects.

I see what looks to be a adult beetle in the food dish, id remove it. Hard shells and low nutrition are no good for the leo. They may also eat some of the other feeders. Its solid black so i can guess its been hatched for quite some time.

The set up is nice it is. Just clean it up.


New Member
there is actually no poop in there that is moss that she seems to drag around every time she leaves her moist hide, and as for the white stuff it is her shedding skin, i feed my gecko black crickets there are only 4 in there and they seem to like climbing in the food dish.

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