Reaching the limit...



Ok time for my rants and raves post! haha.

I'll start with some bg info. Last year I bred a pair of shtcts. I received a few infertile clutches and figured I would wait until this year (they were both first year breeders). So, I put the same geckos together about Feb. of this year (now 2nd year breeders), and again got only a few infertiles. The male is a big jerk, and instead of successfully mating, he'd rather beat her up... so no more of that male. Instead I tried my JGA male Dallas (first year breeder, 107g), and he doesn't even pay attention to the ladies! About the only thing I've seen him do is steal the laying box when the female is somewhere else and not let her back in. The shtct female was losing weight, so I retired her for the year and went a few weeks with none of my geckos paired.

Another first year breeder, Nell, a mack snow poss. het albino, was 84 grams in early March, so I figured it was her turn to try. Dallas went in with Nell, and again they just kinda sat there on opposite sides of the tub for two weeks. I removed them and repeated the process numerous times (about 5), only to get nothing from it. Nell is so fat its nearly impossible to tell if she's ovulating or gravid, and as hard as I look I haven't seen signs of either so far. I recently let them go apart about a month, and then stuck them together with another male's poop inside the enclosure. I kicked up the temps, as well as added a nice humid hide (the love box) and yet again, nothing! I've dropped temps, raised temps, added light, taken away light, tried different tubs, added another males poop... I just don't know what there is left to do! It's extremely frustrating to have nothing in the incubator when i'm putting in so much effort and time with numerous pairs. HOW do first time owners with first time breeders hatch geckos with so little effort, and yet I can't even get a fertile egg!:wall: :furious3:

Ok, had to do that. I don't really feel any better, but oh well haha. It was worth a shot.
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Bells Rule!
NewportGeckos said:
HOW do first time owners with first time breeders hatch geckos with so little effort, and yet I can't even get a fertile egg!

Tyler I'm a first time breeder and all I can say is I'm just lucky. It really stinks having breedable geckos that seem to have no interest in the other sex. I've been trying to get my Mack Snow Pastel het Bell to breed with my nicest Bell female since April. Yet every time they're together she's not interested. IT SUCKS! So I definitely know how you feel.

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
We've been having a slow year too Tyler. We tried starting "early" in December...I laugh at that now. Since December we've bred 12-13 females, we have 2 babies, and zero eggs at the moment. How does that work haha? We had some females who just never became gravid (not sure if it's the male or the female), some who lost too much weight, and lots of infertiles. Most of our females like to give us one infertile egg, we've only gotten one clutch with 2 eggs this season. Only one egg from those two were savable, the other was stepped on badly. The males were in numerous times with the females too. It's been really frustrating.

Included in that 12-13 are 5 females we breed in the past 3 weeks or so. We decided to stop trying to breed some of the others we were having issues with and try some new gals that are turning 1yo. Well, all of those females look gravid and I hope they will be laying any day now. Hopefully we'll find some eggs soon.

We had some really bad luck early in the season but things are looking a little better now. We're just going to have a late season I hope. Anyways, once everyone finishes up this year, we're going to cool everyone for about a month. I don't want to do a crazy cooling or anything, they'll be in 73-75ish temps. I'm hoping this might help for the 2007 season. For now though, we're blaming it on everyone being first timers. I know it's normal for things to be a little random, but I didn't think things would be this slow.

Hopefully things will get better for you later this year, or certainly next year. I know the feeling though, we're pretty much in the same boat.

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
Sorry, I can't help you there! I can't say my first attempt at breeding has been going 100% smoothly, but it's going well enough to make me happy. Now, if only these little buggers will hatch! I'm expecting something by the end of the month.


Yea I don't really know what to do. It's really frustrating and I feel like I've tried everything. I may just wait another year... again. If anyone has any more ideas please feel free to post them.


Hey Ty, sounds like you may be trying too hard... just let it happen! LOL, that sounds like advice for a different issue!

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
When they are ready, they will do their thing... Just keep re-introducing the females to the males and eventually they will be receptive to each other and make babies for you...


Ahhh, GENE! A comment like that could only come from you. Hey PM me and tell me whats goin on.


I can sympathize with your frustration
I have the willingness on the Leos part but i am having loads of trouble with the eggs
Most are first year breeders but i think that it is a combo of that and the hovabator and possibly my perlite mixture wasn't right
I dunno- I got one baby last year and this year the few pairs that i have introduced-all of the eggs have turned black(no mold) and shriveled up
My health has not been that good so I think that I am just going to try and wait until i feel better and then maybe try and introduce a few pairs again later on this year
I wish you the best of luck and I was thinking the same thing-
That everybody else just seems to put their males and females together-gathers the eggs and has beautiful hatchlings

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