Rear ended..(RANT)


Pet Human
Indianapolis, IN
Going out for groceries last night turned out to be more dangerous than I anticipated!

I got home from work late last night and decided I was hungry :)main_no:). Nothing in the! So I went to the store, it's less than a mile away from where I live. I got what I needed and started back home and at the last red light before the turn to my road...WHAM! I almost hit the car in front of me but I managed to hit the brake (My foot had come off when he hit me). The light turned green and I hobbled into the turning lane to my road with my flashers on. The guy pulled up behind me and got out and asked if I was okay. I said "I'm fine, wait until the police get here". The guy was drunk, he was giving me this dead-pan stare before he got back into his car. I was getting out so I could get his information...and he sped off. Crap. :( I only got the first three digits of his license plate and a good description of both him and his car...I hope they catch him.

I think I pulled something in my back but luckily I was wearing my seat belt so I didn't face-plant the steering wheel. My car is a little messed up in the back but my insurance will cover it.

What can you do? Sorry for venting but I just can't believe some people are like that.. though I guess I'm lucky he even stopped to see if I was okay? Still..

Thanks for listening.


What can you do? Sorry for venting but I just can't believe some people are like that.. though I guess I'm lucky he even stopped to see if I was okay? Still..

Thanks for listening.

Coming from a heavy car background - you got 3 numbers off his plate, his car's make & model, and a description of the guy - it's a matter of time.

He'll be in jail.

Hit & run, fleeing the scene of a crime = jail time in almost every state.

Not to mention you say he was drunk... Drunk won't be able to be proven unfortunately but the good news is hit & run is a more serious crime in most states. :main_yes:

So long as you are ok - I suppose it'll end well. ;)

Snowy & Petra de Gecko

Sorry to hear about it

Sorry to hear about it and I hope that it works out.

Report it to the police and see what happens.


Website Creator
York, PA
Crashes are scary, but the bad part is when people aren't thinking correctly (drunk), or when they don't have registration.


Pet Human
Indianapolis, IN
Thanks for the replies..I hope he gets caught, and soon! :main_angry:

Sorry to hear about it and I hope that it works out.

Report it to the police and see what happens.

I called the police as soon as it happened and they are looking for him.

And crashes are very scary! I'm just glad it wasn't any worse than it was. I feel lucky not to be hurt past a few pulled muscles and being sore. No whip lash for me, luckily.

I went out this morning and looked at my car. It doesn't look too bad, just a bit of cosmetic damage. I'm glad I can still drive home to see my parents for Christmas!


What you can't see in the pic is that my license plate is nearly torn in half and the part of the bumper that wraps around behind the passenger-side tire is popped out from being crunched. It could have been worse! *lucky*


New Member
Glad to see there was no major damage to you or the car.:main_yes: Plus your insurence will cover it! :main_thumbsup: I'm sure it was scary though. hope they catch the guy.

Sunrise Reptile
New Haven, IN
I agree that they'll most likely catch him. Fear makes people do some stupid things, regardless if it's fear over loss of license, fear over loss of job, fear over loss of spouse, etc. I'm just glad to hear that you're OK! :main_yes:


Pet Human
Indianapolis, IN
Still haven't found him.. and he did several thousand dollars of damage. I won't have my car for a while :(

I'm sooo thankful for insurance.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Oh, Kasey, I'm so sorry. I hope they get the guy soon and you can get past this quickly. How are you feeling? Are you still stiff and sore?


Pet Human
Indianapolis, IN
Oh, Kasey, I'm so sorry. I hope they get the guy soon and you can get past this quickly. How are you feeling? Are you still stiff and sore?

I feel a lot better now. I was really sore for a few days after it happened, I had pulled something in my back and was kind of out of whack but yesterday and today have been MUCH better! And luckily I didn't get whip lash or anything, so that's good as well. :)

I'm still hopeful that they'll catch him but I'm not so sure they will. Ah well..what goes around comes around eventually. I'm just glad I'm okay, it could have been MUCH worse.

PS. Merry Christmas everybody!

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