Rebreeding a female that has stopped laying


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Ok I have a female that laid something like 8-10 eggs this season and has not laid any eggs in about 8 weeks. She looks like she may be ovulating and still have egg follicles but I have not seen any eggs in her tummy. Would it be safe to rebreed her to a different male and not have a chance of some sperm being left over? Im thinking I should wait but wondering what others think. Thanks!

PS I no longer have the male I originally bred her to so that is not an option.


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
You could try it, see if she's interested, but theres no way to garuntee who the father will be. Sperms retained, as you know, so there is a chance the previous male would end up the father. That being said, I had an accidental breeding of a supposedly tremper albino female to a giant (proven) tremper male early in the year and the first clutch turned out to be non-albinos, meaning the female wasn't tremper. I froze the rest of her eggs and adopted out the hatchlings as classroom animals to a local school and decided to rebreed her to a proven bell male and see what happened. I got lucky, and the next clutch she laid after being rebred hatched two bell albinos, proving her out and showing that the new male was indeed the new father. So, it's possible to rebreed and get different male genes but it's not garunteed. If it's not absolutely necessary that you get more eggs from her this year I'd just wait it out, personally. Either she'll drop more or she'll be done for the season.


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Yeah I knew the answer but its like one of those moments... where if it were someone else you could easily give the advice and then when it comes to your own geckos you just forget everything.

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