Recent odd behaviour


New Member
Lately when I take my youngest gecko out of her cage she will lick my hands as shes moving like normal but she'll open her mouth as wide as possible and position it over my finger. I don't feel intimidated and she's never even let her mouth touch my skin but I still have no idea what she is doing. None of my other geckos has ever done this. There is no way she's hungry, I am sure that there is always food in her dish and she gets mealworms, small roaches, and small superworms.

Any ideas?????

She doesn't seem to be scared of coming out of her tank either. She's usually en-route climbing up my hand as I pick her up. She'll only do it for a moment soon after I take her out and she doesn't do it again while having her out.


New Member
Athens, GA
Sounds like you've got a gecko that's got a low tolerance for stuff. I've had a couple of geckos that were fine when I took them out, but when they got tired of being outside (or tired of me), they told me what they wanted by very slowly biting me. Thankfully, I dodged. ;-)


Pet Human
Indianapolis, IN
Sounds like you've got a gecko that's got a low tolerance for stuff. I've had a couple of geckos that were fine when I took them out, but when they got tired of being outside (or tired of me), they told me what they wanted by very slowly biting me. Thankfully, I dodged. ;-)

Ha, I have one that does that too. He's grumpy. I think that might be what you're experiencing, OP


Like everyone else has said...Usually that means they aren't to "happy". I've had younger/babies do that when I'd go near them and I wasn't even holding them. I have an adult now, that still does that. She's never broken out of the habit, unfortunatly. All I know is that some of the get passed it, some of them don't. If you want to keep handling it, I'm sure it'll break out of it's cranky-ness. Good luck.

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