Red Eye Tangerine and Tangerine Jungles


New Member
Okay, all morph geeks (Okapi need your expertise), I need some coaching and help....

Red Eye Tangerine: Has anyone created this morph? If not, would I need to start with a raptor x tangerine and then selectively breed generation after generation in hopes of creating this morph?

Tangerine Jungles: I already have some great examples of this morph, however if I wanted to create stronger, bolder tangerine jungles, do I need to use high end SHCTB with the existing tangerine jungles?

Thanks in advance for your comments!!!!



Luxurious Leopards
Well as far as the red eyed tang goes you would need a enimga i would think. That would be your only bet on gettin albino eyes on a normal tang. By mixing tangs and raptors you will only creat hets and then when bred eclipse and raptor of varying colro, but prob not a tang with raptor eyes(unless you mean a tang albino)


bamsd619 said:
Okay, all morph geeks (Okapi need your expertise), I need some coaching and help....

Red Eye Tangerine: Has anyone created this morph? If not, would I need to start with a raptor x tangerine and then selectively breed generation after generation in hopes of creating this morph?

Tangerine Jungles: I already have some great examples of this morph, however if I wanted to create stronger, bolder tangerine jungles, do I need to use high end SHCTB with the existing tangerine jungles?

Thanks in advance for your comments!!!!


Hm.. well the Raptors are tangerine and red eyed. Im assuming you mean eclipsed hybino then? I know that alot of people out there have bred Raptors to hybinos and gotten tangerine albinos and hybinos het eclipse. Then when those were bred togeather they produced some red eyed hybinos. Look at the first two pages of threads in the "show off your leos" forum. There are at least two recent threads about this. EDIT: see next post, I looked the threads up

As for making a bold tangerine jungle, I would breed a bold jungle or bold stripe to a jungly/banded tangerine then linebreed from there. I wouldnt use a SH because the hypo trait would just cause your bold patterns to hypo out.
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snared99 said:
Well as far as the red eyed tang goes you would need a enimga i would think. That would be your only bet on gettin albino eyes on a normal tang. By mixing tangs and raptors you will only creat hets and then when bred eclipse and raptor of varying colro, but prob not a tang with raptor eyes(unless you mean a tang albino)

Red eyed enigmas are enigmas that are also expressing the bell trait. So either way it doesnt matter which genetic path you take (raptor path or enigma path), youll still have to work with het albinos. But I think bamsd619 wants solid red eyes, in wich case raptors would work.


New Member
Daniel..... Thanks again for the info and direction. I also want to thank everyone else for their time and feedback!


Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I have had some really red-eyed males from my Sunglow and Hybino project, but it ususally only lasts a few days... then they have regular Tremper albino eyes.

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