Repashy Calcium Plus


New Member
I am about to order Repashy Calcium Plus for my leopard gecko, but I have some questions first. Which one is the one you guys are all using? Repashy Calcium Plus Vitamin and Calcium Supplement 5.3oz Jar: Pet Supplies this one just says repashy calcium plus or this one T-Rex Leopard Gecko Calcium Plus Supplement Reptile Food Supplements which says its specifically designed for leopard geckos. Also, I have a juvenile leopard gecko and he/she can't eat quite a lot and I feed him/her everyday so should I dust every feeding? I don't want to overdose my leopard gecko. Do I need to leave a bowl of pure calcium in his/her tank if I am dusting every feeding with repashy? I'm finding a lot of contradicting information. And lastly, what do I gut load my crickets with? Right now I'm using Fluker's High Calcium Cricket Diet and a piece of tangerine. Thank you everyone for your time!! -Josh

Embrace Calamity

New Member
Get the second one. And the reason people suggest Repashy is that it's designed to feed every single feeding, so you don't have to worry about any over- or underdosing. :) It's generally agreed that you don't need to leave calcium in there, but it can't hurt, as the leo won't touch it if they don't need it. I actually have a little in there left over from the mealworms, and my leo never touches it, though on the rare occassion there are leftover crickets, they'll eat it.



New Member
Get the second one. And the reason people suggest Repashy is that it's designed to feed every single feeding, so you don't have to worry about any over- or underdosing. :) It's generally agreed that you don't need to leave calcium in there, but it can't hurt, as the leo won't touch it if they don't need it. I actually have a little in there left over from the mealworms, and my leo never touches it, though on the rare occassion there are leftover crickets, they'll eat it.


Alright thanks so much, I'm going to order that right now

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