Reptile Check. A new forum that is built for the Shows! Thats right. How would you like to see what will be at each show before the show even starts. How about talk to the vendors one on one? How about Check on vendors and buyers! How about being a vendor and maybe getting a better chance at preselling animals?

This site is 100% free! That is right! Advertise your shows! Advertise the animals and goods that you will be taking! The whole thing is to help customers and vendors alike!

And the Reptile Check's Buyer and Seller checking forums will give you a place to search and ask about sellers and buyers!

Lets see what we can do guys! Tell everyone you know! This is not something for me to gain from! I was talking to a person on fauna about shows. A few said the same thing is always at shows. I said maybe vendors need to know what people will be looking for at shows. And maybe vendors need to mix it up a bit.

These people I talked to gave me the idea for this site. Again I am not making a dime off this site. it is FREE!!!!!! I want to see if we all can work together and make these shows better, as we all know that if custoimers are not buying then vendors stop coming. And if vendors do not have the things customers want then customers stop coming. And that will end up killing these great shows!

What do you all say. Good idea? I think so.

If you do not see the state you are in just PM the admin(me) or post a thread in the general talk section asking for the state to be added! And then start listing the shows and asking questions!

I see only good things from this!

Also VENDORS! Please list your animals for sale in the forums. Let everyone know what you have! This is as much for you as the customers!


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
Sounds pretty cool, the only reason I haven't gone to the shows here in NC is because its a little over 2 hours and I have no idea what they have and I don't want to drive that far for a possible nothing with 2 kids when I know I can find it online.
dragonflyreptiles said:
Sounds pretty cool, the only reason I haven't gone to the shows here in NC is because its a little over 2 hours and I have no idea what they have and I don't want to drive that far for a possible nothing with 2 kids when I know I can find it online.

This should help a lot once the vendors start posting also. I know I will be posting what I will be taking to all shows I go too.

I mean what if you were looking for say a certain Leo morph but it was hard to find. Something you do not see everyday. You find out it will be at the next show. So you go and get to pick out your animal in person. ANd get to then look at everything else.

I foind it is a lot more fun to look at shows when you find the one thing you wanted. But when you do not find that one thing it is a drag.

This should help all them things. I am going to advertise this site at all the shows I go too. And I hope everyone here helps out too. It will take time but this could be a great thing. I have some other plans like

Sticky threads in the state forums for that states shows for that month. With links to the sites and if there is not sites directions to the show. Who to contact to be a vendor.

You all may look at me like I ma nuts taking on yet another forum. But guys I love this hobby. I see this as a great way to help everyone. BOTH vendors and customers.

And shoot it is free for everyone!
robin said:
gary thats an excellent idea. ima go check it out bud :D

Thanks! I am hoping it works out. I still do not have all states up but I want to try to have people there for them states before the state is added. So we do not have a bunch of empty forums.

Like I said tell all vendors to left all customers know too. More there are there the better the shows can be


New Member
ill try and email tim cole or get kelli to email him. he puts the ones in the austin area
I just want to say we have the site started and we already have a few sections going. I would love for vendors and people to come and get their states started.

Vendors this is a chance to advertise 100% free what will be at your next show!


I'm baaaaaack!
Gary, I think this is a great idea. I'll gladly list what animals I'm planning on bringing to shows... just as soon as I figure out what shows I'm going to. lol

ps Gary, you spelled "suggestion" wrong. (sorry I have OCD)
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Thanks man. I can not take credit for all the idea. I was talking to a bunch of people on fauna and we just started posting ideas.

I think this will be fun for everyone and will help all shows.
Thanks for everyone that has been coming and posting about your shows. Keep it coming. Remember this is for everyone. Please if you are looking for animls at certain shows post away! This is for all of us to make these shows even better. Better shows mean more reptiles and more people getting into this AWESOME HOBBY!!!

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