Rescued crestie - toes stuck


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
I just rescued a crested gecko from one of these big chain pet stores, who were keeping her (at about 9 -12 months of age, I'm guessing) with 5 other tiny 2 month hatchlings in an equally tiny horizontal cage. Poor thing was sitting there trying to fit in the little cave they had and she barely fit. So I haggled her price down and took her home.

So here's where I seek assistance. The poor thing has no tail, which I know isn't anything serious, so whatever. But I noticed that on 3/4 feet she has her toepads stuck with skin I imagine she didn't shed well. I already have her in a 10gal standing vertically for quarantine, on moist paper towel and some small plants and vines. I sprayed the tank well to make sure the humidity is high, but I'm wondering if I should do something else for her? Should I put her on some moist paper towel in a tupperware and jsut make her stand on it for 30 minutes or something?

I'll post photos of her soon, I think she's pretty cute.


When my cresties have stuck shed I make a piece paper towel moist, almost wet, and put it in a small rubbermaid with holes punched in it, and keep the gecko inside for 15-30 mins. If the shed is still stuck I take a damp q-tip and gently rub the shed off.

Good luck with her. :)


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
That's what I figured I should do, thanks! I'll probably do it tomorrow, I'm gonna give her tonight to kind of settle in before I start handling her.


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
I have a large tupperware thing of water in there with her to keep the humidity high, and she is sitting on the edge of it with her butt IN the water lol she's been like that now for a good 40 minutes. She must really love the feel of cold water against her tail-stump... lol :3 so cute.


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
I took some photos of her today while trying to clear her toes of stuck shed. I thought her front left hand was just stuck with shed or something, but while looking at it today I think she is just legitimately deformed. It might be MBD or a hand injury that didn't heal properly. And she also has just really poor tracktion while walking on my hands, I don't know if it's just that bad hand or something else. I've removed a looooot of stuck shed from her toes, so she should be feeling better.

So here she is - I named her Almendra, which is almond in Spanish. Just because she's solid brown and has no tail, I think she looks a little bit like an almond! lol So far she has a super calm disposition, so I hope that's just her personality and not a sign of weak health.




New Member
Awww, she's a cutie! Yeah, the q-tip thing after moist paper towel is also what I do.

It looks like stuck shed may be the cause of the toe abnormality you are seeing (back left foot, right?)...

She should be fine. It's amazing what they can go through and still survive...and thrive!

Love the name btw!

-Andrea ;)


Good job with the shed removal :main_thumbsup: I noticed she has pretty lavender eyes too. :cool:


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
Awww, she's a cutie! Yeah, the q-tip thing after moist paper towel is also what I do.

It looks like stuck shed may be the cause of the toe abnormality you are seeing (back left foot, right?)...

She should be fine. It's amazing what they can go through and still survive...and thrive!

Love the name btw!

-Andrea ;)

Thanks :)

I know that bulgy toe on the left back foot is shed, but her front left hand (you can't see it as much in the photo) curls like if you try to touch the base of your thumb to the base of your pinkie, so I think her outer digit(s) might have been broken at some point because it's not skin, she just won't flatten it out on her own.

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