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New Member
deleting would be better, i mean his other like 4 threads were deleted. If this were adult VS Tom, it would have been deleted long ago, but he ruined the rep for kids so it will obviously stay here for people to see what happened.


Are you a victim of public education or something? "I", the word in English referring to one's self is to be CAPITALIZED. And some kids wonder why they aren't taken seriously. Jeez! I think the taxpayers that contributed to your education would hope for more for their money.

LeosForLess said:
Tom, you have officially reached a new level of immaturity, you should learn not to bash people who have tried to help you in the past.

I was angry earlier today, so im takling to Tom. He constantly talks to me about his girl problems, etc etc. On friday i left my backpack at my good friends house (keep in mind Tom and I talk online and live 13 hours apart, never met eachother other than online). Until this morning at 10 i didnt realize i left it there, so i call my friend and say, I think i left my backpack at your house. And he says, right away, ya you left it on the kitchen table. My friend was angry at me because i left his house early for some reason. So he knew the whole time, but he was angry and he just didnt want to tel me. And today i had to go to greek town until 8:30, when i got home. I had tons of math homework(which still remains unfinished) so i thought my good friend would have told me when he called me to go to the water park(which was closed so we didnt go) yesterday.

I was simply ranting to Tom, who knows everything even though he needs help from everybody on this forum all the time, jsut like he rants to me.

So if it wouldnt be too much trouble, because Toms original post was a lie, seeing that he isnt even in school yet, can sombody delete this?

Thanks to all who read, Paul

And PS, the friend who i left my backpack at his house, he doesnt know about any of this.


New Member
This thread kind of ended a while ago and IIIIIIII dont see a reason for you to have brought it back. And IIIII dont really see why IIIII should be forced to captilize all of my IIIIII's, when IIIIIII need to. IIIIII do but on the forum IIII dont relaly see it nesecarry.

Are yo utrying to antagonate me or somthing? Do III need to find every post where sombody didnt captilize an IIII???

iiiiii<--- spell check doesnt see anything wrong with it....
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