RIP Leonith


New Member
Well...this sucks guys :(

and for the record I've been debating on posting this here or not since I feel really bad and I'm not sure if I could have prevented this or not, but...anyway

Well the little Tangerine Rainwater I bought from Mel at Concrete Jungle Geckos back in February has passed away.

It happened a few weekends ago, I went to Dallas for a four day weekend (I live about 2hrs away) since I was getting my wisdom teeth removed and my dad wanted me to stay there in Frisco with him for the weekend while I recovered a bit. I left the girls, Kaida my Mack Snow and little Leonith the Tang Rainwater, as I've done before, with water and a couple mealies just so that they'd have a snack to hold them over for the weekend. The lights and UTHs are on a timer so all that was cool, I remember I was a little late for my appointment because I spent the better part of 30 minutes making sure everything was alright with them before I left. They've been fine this way before so I figured everything would be good.

I came home on Sunday and immediately went to check on them. I remember why I was so quick to check on them too! Before I left I'd noticed Leonith had a little shed stuck to the toes on her right hind leg and I didn't have time to help her out before I left on Thursday morning, so I made SURE her moist hide was good to go before I left, so when I got back that was the first thing I was going to do was go help her get that shed off of her toes. When I walked in I remember looking at her worm dish and seeing the little rim/lid thing askew and thinking "goodness what on Earth has she done?" and then I spotted her. She was upsidedown curled inside the worm dish!

I have NO idea if she got in it after a worm and somehow flipped herself over and freaked and broke something or what. I'm not sure about that because they are pretty flexible right? But then I realized that compared to how she used to be she'd been hiding out more often over the past month, but I guess I didn't think much about it because she never lost any weight and she was still eating. I'm not sure if she somehow impacted herself or what, that's what's been troubling me the most. I have NO idea what happened to her :( poor girl!

Sadly little Leonith is no longer with us, but she sure was a blast while she was around. A little golden ball of personality, I'll miss her, I just hope that I didn't do something wrong. I think she was a little over a year old so from what I've gathered she should have lived much longer. *sigh*

At least she's in a better place now, and Kaida is doing fine, still lively, eating and shedding fine (never had shedding problems with Kaida, at least not so far), all of her body functions are fine, she's maintaining a nice weight, and she's out of her hides almost every night and at times during the day. So hopefully she's good, and if not well then I'll know what to do to help her after Saturday. I'm taking her to the vet on Saturday to make SURE that there was nothing weird going on with Leonith that might have spread to Kaida. I'm on a round the clock poop watch since they told me that in order to do a fecal I'll have to bring in a sample. Even though I made sure not to cross contaminate stuff I still want to be sure that Kaida will be alright. She's helped me through the loss of Leonith a lot and I don't want to loose her.

Well, I hope Leonith is at peace now, maybe she'll be our little gecko guardian angel and keep a look out for Kaida and any other geckos I might get.

I just hope I didn't do anything wrong, I'm so stumped as to what might have happened to her. Maybe I'll read through my Gecko books again and see if I can figure anything out on my own, and I can ask the vet, he might know.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
RIP Leonith!

After hearing about so many responsible keepers having geckos suddenly die this season and experiencing it ourselves I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong. It's too bad that we didn't find out that we've been accidentally exposing our Leos to pesticides when we fed them mealworms sooner. So many have died this year that shouldn't have...It's so sad.

((*Huge Hugs*))


New Member
omg that is sad! D= that's horrible!

it's like bitter sweet I guess, it makes me feel a little better knowing that perhaps what happened to Leonith was because of the mealworm issue, but then it's heartbreaking to hear that so many other geckos have gone the same way because of it. I hope they get this issue resolved soon, I hope no one else looses any of their little geckos =(

thanks for the info and for the hugs *hug* it helps

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Ohhhh, Jessica... I'm so sorry!!! I haven't got a clue why or how this could have happned, and it's so tragic. My heart strings are tugging for you...


New Member
awwww thanks Marcia *hug*

I was talking with Mel, and what she said got me thinking. So I looked up the situation with the mealworms here on the forums, and I'm not 100% but Leonith might have fallen to the same fate as some of the other geckos and hatchlings have this season.

Only reason I'm not 100% on this is because I've only bought two batches of mealworms, one back when I first got my girls in February, and then another a few months later (which this batch might have been right in the midst of whatevers going on with the mealworm suppliers and their mealies). I had a bunch of worms turn into beetles from the first batch and they ended up laying eggs, but for only two geckos I think breeding my own mealworms was a bit crazy so I saved some of those I raised myself and saved them but bought a new batch too and I mixed them (which was probably a bad idea anyway).

So if this is so and whatever's happening with the mealworms is what's been causing the problems with the geckos, from the sounds of things that's very likely in my opinion, then maybe it just took a little bit for Leonith to fall ill because I had about half good/clean mealworms and the other half could have been the contaminated ones. SO maybe it just took a little while for her to eat enough to make her sick.

I don't know, these are just thoughts that I've been trying to figure out since Mel mentioned the mealworm issue. I just have no other explanation as to why she just died all of a sudden.

I mean literally Leonith seemed good and then she's dead. She went in a similar fashion as a few other breeder's geckos did, from what I've read anyway, so I don't know, I'll see what my vet has to say when I take Kaida in. I just hope Kaida will be alright if that really is what got Leonith, she seems fine now but so did Leonith when I left before the weekend.

I'm probably gonna toss my mealworms anyway just to be safe since I'd rather be safe than sorry.


New Member
I am sorry for your loss. I hope that the vet gives Kaida a clean bill of health. Best wishes


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
I am so terribly sorry to hear about this!! It's never easy losing one that is so dear and close to your heart, but at least Kaida is there to help you through this. Best wishes to you.
RIP Leonith


New Member
yep Kaida has been a wonderful little angel through all of this, she's a sweetie

and she's got a clean bill of health too! The vet said she looks 100% a-okay, so that made me feel even better ^^

thanks for caring you guys *hug*

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