Rodney not eating...


Stargate Fan :D
Ontario, Canada
I haven't posted in a while...anyway, my crestie, Rodney, has stopped eating the past week - maybe a bit longer than that, now.

I was wondering if it could it be the heat? I live in Ontario, Canada - this past month it has gotten very hot (mid 30's, C) with no air conditioning, sometimes it reaches 28 degrees celcius in here even with the windows closed, blinds drawn and fans blowing...

We can't afford air conditioning with electricity prices so high. Is there anything I can do that would help little Rodney?

PS: Rodney's routine: Light on from 9:30AM to 10PM (on timer), spray down tank with water bottle every night. Feed every to every other night. Small dish (i use those tiny bottle lids) in the same corner of tank every time. His tank contains live plants and repti-earth.


Gray Sky Exotics
Weather does play a big factor in eating habits, usually cooler weather or cool breezes from a fan or a/c can decrease their appetite. However, since you have no a/c and it has been warmer than usual in your area, temps over 28°C (82°F) can cause them stress which may affect their eating and overall behavior. I would recommend moving his viv in the coolest area of your home and make sure his substrate is moist, but not soaking wet (still need it to dry out some to prevent molding). You may find him spending more time closer to the ground or digging in the substrate during the day to help keep himself cool.

Cooler weather should be heading your way later this week, so you may notice him eating more this weekend or next week.

touch 13

Kitchener, Ontario
I'm located in Kitchener, Ontario and my cresties went through a little bit of a spurt when we were having those 46C days. It was extreamly hot and even with air conditioners running it was dry and hot! Left everything cranked on high for 12 hours and temps were back to normal. I'm not sure of how to mimic this in your case but a filthy cheap window unit can be purchased through classifieds for under $50. Check into it, hope it helps.

Lee Carpenter.


New Member
Brighton, UK
Being from england I dont really have this issue.. but my window faces the sun at least 8 hours a day! I also don't have an air conditioner because there isn't really any need for one!

However a couple of times my cresteds home has become about 28-30c so what i do is go to my car... start the engine and ac... wait till its nice and cold... then put a bin liner over the fan and fill the bag!

Then hold the bag closed tight... go back in and empty it (slowly) into her home..

this rapidly decreases the temperature and also decreases the humidity!

Works every time!

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