That is one killer baby. That has to be one of my favorites. One that I am also striving to create. Could you throw pix of mom and dad up her, and keep us updated with pix of this little creamer:main_thumbsup:
Just saying , but the morph is/was originally called Patternless Red Stripe so PRS should probably be used.
The title of this thread had me confused for a minute. It is like the equivalent of me posting a "BTHSCT" when I mean the morph SHTCTB. I just dont get changing around the letters.:main_laugh: Maybe it is just me.
People had me confused changing around the JGA (GAJ? WTF?)before in the past too so dont feel bad. LOL
Thank you all.
I wrote to Jeff yesterday and got an answer:
Wow that is a beautiful little baby! She is a perfect reverse stripe but
she may lose it as she ages. I hatched a few super hypo reverse stripes
from our raptor male to a super hypo breeding and they kept the reverse
stripes but they eventually faded away. You will get reverse stripes
some times when crossing the red stripe gene with Tremper albinos since
the Tremper albinos usually have reverse stripe in their gene's.
great geckos lottiz thats the cool part about the patternless stripe stuff they can give you all kindas of patterns or lack there of. but beautiful little stripe i hope it dosent fade away, some dont but alot of them do. here is a male i have that the stripe turned into a row of small spots. (kinda a bad pic the lighting is off) but just some idea of what it could turn into. View attachment 5040
this one kept the stripe till it was sold and i think it was over 40 grams when it sold so it kept it. View attachment 5041
and the twin to yours. only an ocean away (your stripe is cleaner though!) View attachment 5042