Ruptured Disc



My poor little terrier cross ruptured a disc in his back and had surgery to remove the ruptured disc, which the vet said was a very nasty compression.
It came on suddenly, Saturday night he went upstairs to bed (he sleeps in our room) he was a little slower up the stairs as normal and Sunday morning he was even slower coming down stairs, we took him to the vet who checked him out and said he may of pulled a muscle so gave him a pinkiller shot. This seemed to perk him up until the evening when he was in excrutiating pain again, whinning and wouldn't settle all night - we rushed him back to the vet first thing Monday, he had X-Rays and a myleogram (i think thats what it's called) and it was confirmed he'd ruptured a disc :(
So now two days after surgery - he's not up on him hind quarters, but good news today he wagged his tail and he pooped and weed, hopefullt he'll be home by Sunday.
It will be great to hear of anyone who's dogs have had this and the post operative experiences.


My dog had a ruptured disc two years ago. We live in a wooded area and we let our dog go play in the woods all he wants. Well one day we didnt see him come back and scratch on the door to come in. We found him on our patio un able to get up and STIF! We figure he must of gotten hurt while running around the woods and dragged himself back home, it practicly makes me cry imaging that in my head. So, We picked him up and found that his back legs were almost totally dead. But I had hope because he allowed a little bit of movement on one foot. I had to calm both my mom and my brother down as I piled him into the car and rushed him to the hospital. They took x rays and told us he had a ruptured disc. They gave us 3 options, either put him to sleep, give him surgery or give him anti inflamitories and pain killers and hope his body reabsorbs the disc fluid. We could not afford the surgery but we wanted to try to save him. We chose to give him the medicine and get a good night of prayer in. Well, wouldnt you know it the next morning the doctor called and he was showing improvement. A week later he was running around. He has never been the same though. His front legs really do all the work. He cant jump anymore due to his bad timing in his back legs. He also has trouble getting up stairs. His back is also in a sort of arched possition, not straight like it was. Actually he was a very healthy and energetic dog before the accident this like was the stepping stone into old age. Its funny hes 13 years old but its like hes a puppy stuck in a old body. I love my dog. I wish yours the best of luck!


Thanks Zbiz :)

Well a few months on, he had a bit of a set back ( he was in a lot of pain) they thought he may of had an infection, but with a few weeks of strict kennel rest he is now right as rain, its now trying to keep him calm as the healing process will take a while!
He's still a bit slower on his rear end, and a bit weaker on his left hind leg than his right, but i'm so glad he pulled through, it was a terrifying experience, as i'm sure you know Zbiz!

All i can say is thank god for pet insurance, in total it cost £2500, so i'm guessing at the exchange rate for you guys it would be near on $5000!!
He is worth every penny!


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