russian tortoise care

neubauer geckos

Anthony Neubauer
i am adopting a russian tortoise and need to know everything about them such as housing,feeding,light,supplements,temperature,husbandry,handling,and other stuff like that.thanks in advance


New Member
Georgia is another good reference

* 50 gallon tub
* outside enclosure for nice weather (escape proof with hardware cloth burried about 6-8 inches in the ground to prevent digging out and a lid for predators. if you don't use a lid be leery of predators and people taking off with your torts when left alone outside. also make it at least 12-18 inches high with an inner lip to prevent climbing escapes)
* substrate - coconut coir and sand 50/50 ratio
* water bowl at all times
* soak few times a week
* pour water in substrate once a week to moisten it. You don't want it soaked but moistened once a week or every other week
* feed grasses and weed, spring mix from grocery store. dandelions. DIET NEEDS TO BE VARIED (see sites above for better diet listing and edible plants) no fruits, meat, or people food except what's listed
* 95 F on hot side
* UV lighting (best achieved with a heat emitting bulb that also emits uv such as t-rex and zoomed power sun bulbs)
* not much handling involved, but they can be pretty active, especially when outside.

Mine love being outside
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