all torts will need a good bit of room. Even russians and greeks which are relatively small. they still need room for exercise and roaming. russians and greeks need a 50 gallon tub which is nearly 4 feet long. that's probably as small as you're going to get.
russians, greeks, red foots have personality, but as do most torts. It all depends on space really.
If you're getting a tortoise space is really the biggest factor you should consider first. Space for an inside and outside enclosure.
even three toed box turtles need at least a 50 gal tub. They have great personalities. They stay smaller than the tortoises, but they require a very varied diet of fruits, greens and protein. They also need a warm, humid environment to be comfortable.
I'd say a russian tortoise is a good starter IF you have a place to take them outside to get some excercise. They come from pretty arrid regions, but require some humidity (they like to burrow deep into the ground where it is more moist). They also like to brumate during certain times of year.
All torts and turts require uvb light and a variety of high calcium greens to truly thrive.