Season off to a bad start - Help


Hey All,

So I have the first gravid female of the season and she laid her first clutch. However BOTH eggs came out infertile (looking like pieces of chewed up gum). When I saw the female was gravid I seperated her from the male, she has a constant source of calcium/vitamin powder, water, and food.

Would it put two much stress on the female to repair her to the male? I had high hopes for offspring from this female, and have no idea why her eggs are coming out like this. I would appreciate any advice that anyone can offer. Thanks.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
This sounds like the beginning of most of my seasons. Is she a first-timer? In that case it would be even more usual. Some geckos need a few clutches to "warm up", either for their first season or for each season. Some geckos turn out to be poor egg layers. I've had several females that I've tried for 2-3 seasons with and then given up. I'm not saying this is the case with your female, but it's not unusual for the first clutches to be no good. I can't advise about whether to put her back with the male since I keep my breeding groups together for the whole season (they're going back together next week), but females do store sperm and she should be good for at least 3 clutches before needing another "infusion". Check her belly to see if you see new eggs.



This sounds like the beginning of most of my seasons. Is she a first-timer? In that case it would be even more usual. Some geckos need a few clutches to "warm up", either for their first season or for each season. Some geckos turn out to be poor egg layers. I've had several females that I've tried for 2-3 seasons with and then given up. I'm not saying this is the case with your female, but it's not unusual for the first clutches to be no good. I can't advise about whether to put her back with the male since I keep my breeding groups together for the whole season (they're going back together next week), but females do store sperm and she should be good for at least 3 clutches before needing another "infusion". Check her belly to see if you see new eggs.


Thank you Aliza,

This is the first season she has been with me, I am not sure if the breeder I bought her from has bred her before or not. What I found strange about it was she laid her two eggs (as is usual).. but she laid them 4 days apart, the second coming yesterday. I will keep checking to see if she has more eggs inside her but I doubt I will see anything for another week or so.

Thank you for your reply

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