Shedding Questions


Ghoulish Geckos
When feeding Fido last night, I noticed that his eyes are milky blue, so I know he's going into shed. Should I put a bowl of water in with him? Right now he drinks/eats twice a week. He still ate last night (little pig), but he didn't drink much. Our house is dry right now with the heat being on non-stop. Thanks!

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
When his eyes become clear again, make his substrate damp on the warm side of his bin or cage... This will help him shed perfectly... Add a small water bowl to the cool end...

I have just started to offer my hogs a water dish daily instead of giving them water seperatly every other day or so and the bins have not built up any condensation... You can keep a small water dish in with them all the time... I know I told you that you did not have to and you really dont as long as you hydrate him every other day but it is ok to give him a water bowl and leave it in all the time as long as it is small... All I did was drill a few tiny holes in the bin in the side/corner where the water dish is to help keep the humidity from building up in that spot even if some water spils...

I told you Brads animals eat like crazy!!! And be sure to post pics after he sheds!!! He is just going to get nicer with each one... The reds I got from Brad (brother and sister to your male) have shed twice since I got them and they look like different snakes as far as their color goes...

Here is a photo of one of my racks I have set up for the hogs...

As you can see all of the bins are nice and dry... Well all but the one in the upper righ hand corner... There is a snake about to shed in that one so the substrate is damp...
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