Shipping carriers


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
So what is the recommended shipping carrier for sending your geckos? I'm waiting on a new addition who was shipped by UPS, and my shipment has been rescheduled another day because of some mistake that they made. This is the second time we have had a reptile shipped to us that UPS has screwed up!!! :main_thumbsdown: I am so frustrated with shipping carriers right now!!

But I've also heard bad things about FedEx (and I already know DHL is horrible). So what are everyone else's experiences? I'm really fed up with UPS and would prefer not to use them for our business; but I don't know, maybe they are the best of the worst?


i have used ups, most people here use them.

but i know others that have used fedex and swear by there service and reliabilty. i think its customer experience that leads someone to decide who to ship with. also both companys will charge different.


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
I think I might try USPS, I think their rate is a standard $35 instead of $50

Also, one of the times that I had a problem with UPS, I told the customer service rep. that the package was of upmost importance because their was a small, harmless reptile inside. The lady informed me that UPS wasn't even allowed to ship small reptiles, which I thought was pretty weird since most people use UPS. I am afraid to use UPS if I cannot specifically mark the package as a live harmless animal (so that the carrier knows to be extra careful). Granted, once they knew what was inside the package, it was delivered to my door in less than an hour, and they still claimed that reptiles aren't allowed to be shipped by UPS.
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Lizard Lair

New Member
If you call the 800 number at UPS, most of the time they will tell you they don't ship reptiles. The same with their Customer Centers. If you tell them to check their regulations, or speak with their supervisors they will always come back telling you reptiles are allowed, and that they had no idea! But, you have to have an account with them before they allow reptile shipping. Fed Ex also requires an account, and you need to send them a test box for them to analyze and approve. After testing the box they will send you a "Waiver of Liability For Reptile And Amphibian Domestic Shipments" that you have to sign. The process is fairly fast and painless. If you wish to check them out here is a link that gives you a contact phone number, and an application form for box testing.

I used UPS for years, and they had a great track record. But for the last year or so I've seen increasingly delayed deliveries due to various complications at their main hub in Louisville Kentucky. I switched to Fed Ex as my main carrier and things have been great - so far. There are 2 really big advantages for me with Fed Ex. First off their main hub is in Memphis Tennessee and the weather there has always been milder than Kentuckys every time I've compared for shipping. This is comforting to me, because the geckos can sit at the main hubs for hours. Second, when I take my package to town for shipment it goes straight from our airport here in Missoula Montana to the Memphis hub, getting out of the western cold weather quickly. With UPS, the package has to transfer through two other cold western state hubs before heading to Kentucky.

DHL has a very bad reputation and has a limited service area. If you get an account with UPS and also become an approved Fed Ex shipper you have options. One carriers hubs could be slammed with horrible weather and you could use the other carrier. Also, sometimes a customer will tell you that one of them is great and dependable in his area while the other one sucks.

OK. That wasa little long winded - sorry! But there are a lot of things to consider when shipping ;)


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
Thank you so much Shelly for the help!! When UPS kept telling me that they weren't allowed to ship reptiles, I'm sure you could iamgine how confused I was!

I am registered with UPS, and now I will take your advice and start getting approved by FedEx. I was unsure of the process that one had to go through, so you've been extremely helpful, thanks :)


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
I went ahead and moved your thread here where you'll find more pertinent info on shipping.

We use FedEx and have never had any problems with them.

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