shit fuck damn


I'm baaaaaack!
First of all, Kelli I'm really sorry I haven't called you yet. Things just really suck right now and lots of shit is all fucked up and ARRRGH.

We made it HERE safely although a bit later than I planned, but that's okay.

I ended up missing my orientation. Oops.

I went to get groceries to feed the people who are helping me, and less than a block from my house (seriously, I could see my front door) BAM! Some stupid fuck backed out of his driveway without looking right into the side of my BMW. Mother fucker. Broad daylight, no obstructions, bright blue fucking SUV but he didn't see me. He got out of his car and said, "What's up, Buddy?"

I could have killed him.

He wanted to convince me that the damage would "buff out". Yeah, I'm sure you can just buff cracked plastic. Shit, I always just "buff" my car back into alignment too. When it needs an oil change, I just BUFF it away! Fuck!

The cop that showed up was a royal prick. Probably the rudest asshole I've met in TX so far. He was pissed as hell that I wanted him to fill out an accident report for a few "scuffs". Sorry, but when someone backs into a 5,000 lb suv hard enough to knock the back end loose, there's a good chance there's more damage that you can just see by walking around the car. Fuck, the rim he fucked up alone is $1000 new. Oh man, I am still so pissed off.

Now I'll have to deal with all that insurance bullshit, find an authorized body shop to get a quote, blah blah blah, probably have to take it all the way to Dallas and leave it, yadda yadda... Fuck. I was going to take the truck to Daytona. It'll drive OK around town at low speed, but I wouldn't take it out on the highway, especially all the way to FL.

Then the appliance installation guy from Lowe's showed up.

Let me just say that Lowe's is lucky that I already had a few beers to calm me down and my brothers were keeping me from killing anyone. I will deal more with Lowe's later. They're in trouble.

The good news is that we finally managed to get all the gecko racks upstairs. All the geckos are still in deli cups and I haven't even started hooking up thermostats yet. Guess I should go get some sleep.

Kelli, I'll try giving you a call tomorrow err... fuck I don't even know what day it is. lol Let's just say sometime 10-12 hours from now. :main_thumbsup:

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
Oh, that sucks so bad! I'm sorry about your was so purdy when I saw it. At least you didn't get hurt! Have fun with insurance, because I'm having oh so much fun with mine!


New Member
Central California
Oh no! That sucks, Paul!! I hope you'll be able to get it fixed without too much hassle! Perhaps in the future you should blast your horn while passing that guys driveway to be sure he knows you're coming. :smartass:


I'm baaaaaack!
Shanti, as soon as he hit me, I said to myself, "Oh fuck, now I'm gonna know how Shanti feels." well, except for the injury of course.

I still can't get over what a dick that cop was. He thought I was being petty by wanting a report and he said he was going to write ME a citation for not having proof of current insurance in my vehicle. The card I had expired July 31st, so I figured the new one was in my mailbox back home. I asked him if it made any difference that I HAD insurance but was on the road when it would have been mailed, but he said no. Then I told him that the State of WI doesn't even require that vehicles be insured, and he said he didn't care. (My truck is still insured through my WI address.) Fucker. While the cop was in his car I called my mom and told her that I was getting a citation for it just to see what she thought. Anyway, five minutes later my mom walked over and said, "Guess what I found in my purse?" Good thing she checked the mail right before we left. Way to go mom. Officer Dickhead was pretty disappointed when I stuck that in his face.

The installer guy from Lowe's was actually super cool. It was my SALESPERSON who fucked up. When I went in and purchased the stove, microwave & dishwasher, I told her I wanted them all in black. I specifically asked her TWICE, "Are you sure they're all going to be BLACK?" She assured me that they were. Well guess what color the fucking microwave was. Not Black. The Installer pulled the new one out of the box and said, "Um, did you really want a WHITE microwave over a black stove, next to a black fridge and dishwasher?"

The salestwit wrote down the number for a white one. WTF... Then my option was to have him come back another day or go exchange it myself. I kinda flipped out. I didn't pay $100 per appliance to have them "delivered & installed" only to have to take one back and get a different one. Besides, they sent ONE man to do a TWO man job. Yeah, we had to help him. He was cool though, and just laughed at my jokes about Lowe's even though I was cussing my head off. heh heh I'm thinking that Lowe's is going to be refunding the delivery and installation for the microwave, as well as buying my $5 gas and paying me my hourly rate for having to drive there and back during road construction. Wait 'till they find out how much I charge per hour. lol

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Paul, I predict that all of this shit is happening so you will get it all over with at once, and after Daytona your life in Texas will be so uneventful it will be boring. (It's either that, or the jinx I put on you for not moving to California is a bigger mojo than I really wanted it to be!)


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
Oh man Paul, what a bitch of a move you are having. I am so sorry about your car and yes, most of the cops and State Troopers in Texas are pretty much assholes. I'm just glad your brothers and your mom ended up coming down with you to help.


I'm baaaaaack!
Golden Gate Geckos said:
Paul, I predict that all of this shit is happening so you will get it all over with at once, and after Daytona your life in Texas will be so uneventful it will be boring. (It's either that, or the jinx I put on you for not moving to California is a bigger mojo than I really wanted it to be!)

I never thought I'd be saying this, but I WANT BORING! lol

I need to go finish feeding babies so that we can leave asap. I've already pissed off the help by not having them home when I was supposed to. Shit, I'm getting less sleep than anyone else but it's still not fast enough. Everything would've been fine if we had left on time and if I didn't have a car accident. I can't even answer the phone without being scolded for "not working." :eek:

Wow, I really have a buttload of geckos. I think I'm taking close to 450 babies and 75 adults to Daytona. With my luck, the FL sales permit won't show up before the show and I won't be able to vend anyway. :main_thumbsdown:

The song for today is...

I am slowly going crazy 1 2 3 4 5 6 switch.
Crazy going slowly am I 6 5 4 3 2 1 switch.

Why am I remembering this shit? lol


I'm baaaaaack!
Okay, now I am BORED. Back in WI with no geckos. :( I can't even play with the babies that hatched because I have no racks to put them in. lol


I'm baaaaaack!
Okay guys, I PROMISE I will be done whining by Friday at the latest. All I have to do is build the racks at my mom's this afternoon for the geckos that hatch after I leave for good, which will probably be Wednesday night. Once I get to the new house and don't have to worry about making any more trips back and forth, and can FINALLY just sit back and relax, everything will be golden. I knew moving would be a bitch and I was even trying to overestimate just how much of a hassle it would be, but wow. This spring/summer has been so far beyond crazy it's not funny. Well, it kind of is, but I can find humor in just about anything.

Never again will I raise this many leopard geckos in such a time frame. Honestly I don't even have a clue how many geckos I've hatched this year so far. I stopped counting and numbering babies at 525. That's something I'll have to do before Daytona so that I can get an ID# assigned to everyone, but it's not a big deal. I wouldn't be surprised if I've hatched 700 by now. There aren't that many eggs left in the incubators, but I will be pairing up some yearlings when I finally get moved in. Depending on how quickly they start breeding, I'll likely hit 1,000 by the end of the year.

BTW, if anyone knows of someone looking for a wholesale lot of ~50 let me know. I can bring them to Daytona. I need to move some of these poss. hets and Bells (from blazing project).


I'm baaaaaack!
So I leave today. Finally. It feels really weird.

I have to wait for the mailman to show up before I can take off though. For some reason, he declared my house 'vacant' and has been holding my mail hostage. Nobody at the post office has any idea where my mail is. I haven't received anything in over a week. I've talked to three different 'supervisors' and the best they can tell me is that if Darryl has my mail, he'll deliver it this afternoon. If he doesn't, I'm kinda fucked because my FL sales permit is in there, and if I don't get it, I can't vend at Daytona. If Darryl (my mailman) submitted my mail to the forwarding system, I've been told that it will be at least two weeks before it arrives at my new address. I didn't submit a change of address form for this very reason. I need that permit, damnit. I've already committed to over $1000 worth of expenses to be able to sell at Daytona, and right now I'm doubting that I'll even be able to go. I'm overcrowded by about 75-100 geckos right now. At this point I'd let a few hundred go to a broker for $7.50 ea. If I wasn't making so many trips back and forth, I could have been selling them online and I wouldn't be overcrowded.

I know everyone is sick of my complaining, but I still have until midnight to continue bitching.

Alright I have to throw the computer in the car now. Hopefully I'll see some of you at Daytona.


I'm baaaaaack!
Well, I got the police report from the accident but still haven't even had time to tell my insurance company. Ooops. I won't have my permit/license before Daytona, but the lady with F&WL said she'd be overnighting all of "You late peoples'" permits to the show directly. I don't know why they just don't send ALL of them to the show and leave it at that, but ... whatever.

ANNNNNDDD... I finally got my internet hooked up today. Took the guyS (yes, there were 2 of them) 2 1/2 hours. Jeeze...

Other than that, everything's just ducky. I must go start packing up geckos for Daytona now. Wish me luck! :)

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