Should it be called a Reverse stripe?


New Member
Hello, i wanted to ask a couple of questions.
1. I have a male which seem patternless stripe and was sold to me as a patternless stripe. I suspect he is not really a patternless or i just didnt fully understand the meaning of patternless.
From what i read a patternless stripe is a reverse stripe and a stripe bred together expressing both traits and looking patternless. I failed to prove my male a real patternless because when bred all the babies are jungle(rarely), banded or reverse striped. Does it means that he is just a reverse stripe, that doesnt shows the stripe? A super hypo reverse stripe. This is a picture of him

2. When breeding this male ocasionaly i get a reverse stripes that doesnt have the entire stripe on their back. I wanted to know what do you call these once, a fading revese stripe? Is it called patternless even thogh there is no stripe×reverse stripe?

I whould love to hear your opinion and learn from it. Thank you very much!

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Staff member
Somerville, MA
1. Patternless stripe: Some people call geckos patternless stripes if they hatch with very little stripe which fades as it develops. I know I did that as well. I changed my mind when I hatched geckos that had absolutely no body pattern and a lightly striped tail. I call those "patternless stripe" (see picture of newly hatched patternless stripe below). That said, Idont think anyone understands much about exactly how stripes work. I don't even know for sure if a "patternless stripe" is really made from a stripe/reverse stripe. I'm not saying it's not, but I haven't seen any further evidence to suggest that it is. As far as I can tell, if there is stripe genetics in either parent, the offspring can display any trait on the stripe continuum: aberrant, jungle, stripe, reverse stripe, patternless stripe

2. I would call the hatchlings you have pictures of "partial reverse stripe".



New Member
San Diego
The original patternless stripes were indeed the result of crossing stripes, reverse stripes, and even red stripes and tangerines. This was done by not only Ron Tremper and AM Gecko, but many others as well. These crossings also produced the Eclipse gene, which is some how unlocked when crossing the stripe varieties. Jeremy Letkey even hatched Eclipse type eye pigment geckos while working on creating his Raining Red Stripes. Although it was never 100% proven, breeders that worked with them including Jeremy, and myself, concluded they were Eclipse.

Because of this, when you work with any geckos related to the patternless stripe or Raptor/Eclipse lines you can hatch geckos of nearly any pattern type. Unfortunately most stripe lines now have been crossed.

When you have pure Red Stripes and bold stripes, for the most part they breed true in my experience. Reverse stripes and other stripe lines can vary quite a bit.

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