Show off your scars!!


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
All right, so there's "show off your tats," so I was thinking.. One thing that many people will tell you if they have scars, is that each one tells a story.. to some, they mean more than tattoos ;)

So if you have any scars and some stories to share, let's hear it! :)


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
Here's a few of Mike's.. this is his upper left arm

this is what happens when you go through a window lol. At our very first apartment, which was totally insane (6 guys and 1 girl), we had five couches in our living room, and it wasn't a big living room either. Two of the couches were back to back in the middle, and then there was one parallel to those, against the window. Well, this little area was known as "pummel island" where the guys would pummel each other out of nowhere at any given time of day. Needless to say, Mike pummeled another friend and went through the window in the process. That window was bad luck though, it broke a total of three times while we lived there lol

One of my scars, right leg, below the knee:

Say hello to hook-sword-to-the-leg lol.. I bought some cheap hook swords off of eBay a few years ago, and for the most part they were just for looks and hung on the wall in an "X." They weren't particularly sharp by any means, but the handles on them had some REALLY pointy ends to them, which were pretty darn sharp. Mike was playing around with them one night, twirling them around and what not, when one slipped and hit me in the leg. I couldn't walk for the first couple of days.. as you can see, I'm not really the type to go and get stitches

Another scar from when I was 14, above the knee on the left leg

I was just at a friend's house, and I was trying to get up to a higher shelf that she had in her room. There was a small sofa chair, so I put my knees on top of that (not really sure why I didn't just stand on the chair) to get up on it. Apparently there was a nail sticking out of it, and it sliced my leg pretty quickly


New Member
Found it.. my most prized posession.. haha.. no I'm kidding.. scars are like tattoos but with better stories.


I have screws and a plate on my collar bone, I got into a pretty bad accident on my old horse. I was jumping jumps... he kind of tripped and stumble stepped.. I don't remember the accident, and woke up in the ER getting x-rays done. I guess he fell on top of me.. and kind of got stuck.. then got off of me.. I guess I kind of slow motioned rolled over, everyone thought I had snapped my neck.. Until I started screaming. I broke my left collarbone, had a good amount of sand in my right ear, a 5 inch bruise on that cheek, and a 7 inch bruise on my right hip.. so you can imagine how contorted I was. I had a grade 3 concussion which is pretty bad.. And my collarbone had almost a 3 cm displacement, after a month of waiting for it to heal and having horrible pain it was decided I would just have it fixed.

Sooo.. that is why I love my scar. :)

I also have one on my face, from when i was 5 my mom was babysitting her friends cat, I went under the bed to get it and it freaked on my face, ripped my eyebrow up and my cheek I was bleeding everywhere. I had an account set up for plastic surgery, until I wanted a new horse.. haha... But yes.. you can still see it almost 20 years later, only now and then people will notice it.. you have to really look. :)


New Member
LOL nice Jess, I couldn't help but laugh when I heard about the swords, sorry =X. Ouch, Rachel!


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
WOW that is one hell of a story Rachel!

I have *something* on my face similar.. I can't remember why i was going under the table, but I did and hit my head (when I was 3 or so), right where my eyebrow is.. I had to get stitches, and the spot never really healed properly.. so what is there now is what looks like a really big mole/bump.. I'm afraid of getting it removed because if it didn't heal correctly to begin with, who knows what could happen if I mess with it. I would hate to have it end up being something even bigger or worse. I edit it out of most of my pics because it bothers the crap out of me. I actually NEVER thought about it, until ONE person mentioned it, my first year in COLLEGE! Hated it ever since :main_rolleyes: He was really rude about it too, he was like "why don't you put cream on that or something?" ..JERK!
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Pet Human
Indianapolis, IN
I've got a good one, though you couldn't tell if you looked at me as long as I had my hair pulled the right way. The back story for my scar:

I had just turned a year old and mom was the only one home. Dad was on a business trip. Mom had just came back from the store and had shut the screen door. While she was doing ..something (never told me what she was doing) I somehow slid the screen door open and got outside. Our porch was eight feet off the ground with simple board stairs. The details aren't really known but I ended up falling between the steps and landed head first on concrete, crushing my skull. I guess mom heard it happen and she found me and rushed me to the hospital. I had massive head trauma, blood loss, and brain hemorrhaging and I died on the table. They were able to resuscitate me and began the first of several blood transfusions that saved my life (give blood if you can, it DOES make a difference!). They ended up removing part of the left hemisphere of my brain. I was in a coma for almost a week and the doctors didn't expect me to survive - and if I did, they figured I would be basically retarded and possibly unable to walk. Well, I guess they did something right because I'm still kicking and not only can I walk but I am also at the top of my class... I consider myself very lucky and I am grateful for the skilled doctors that saved my life. :) I have a gap in my skull and a nasty scar but I think that's a fair trade for my full recovery...

Enough story, here's the scars! (It's the best pics I could get, I have a massive amount of hair so it was kind of hard to get to :main_laugh:)



I keep my hair long so it's easy to hide my scars. :main_cool3:


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
Wow.. see, scar stories are AWESOME! That is another hell of a story.. you're obviosuly here for a very important reason!! Glad to hear that you recovered from something like that so well :)


Holy crap, amazing story. The brain is a crazy organ that can really do some fantastic things like compensate for your missing part of it. I hear stories of people that get massive brain damage on one side of their brain and when they recover they are now a genius when they weren't before of incredibly artistic or musical when they weren't before. Makes me want to go out and smash my head sometimes but my luck I would be one that ended up disabled instead.


Pet Human
Indianapolis, IN
Wow.. see, scar stories are AWESOME! That is another hell of a story.. you're obviosuly here for a very important reason!! Glad to hear that you recovered from something like that so well :)

I'm glad I recovered, too! Sometimes I sit and think about how close I came to non-existence and it's kind of a wake up call. Live life to the fullest ;)

Holy crap, amazing story. The brain is a crazy organ that can really do some fantastic things like compensate for your missing part of it. I hear stories of people that get massive brain damage on one side of their brain and when they recover they are now a genius when they weren't before of incredibly artistic or musical when they weren't before. Makes me want to go out and smash my head sometimes but my luck I would be one that ended up disabled instead.

The brain is indeed amazing. Sometimes I wish I could get a MRI of my head and see what my brain looks like now. And you know, I am an artist! I don't really have many problems resulting from the injury, luckily. I'm extremely light sensitive and I'm very prone to migraines but that could or could not be related. I also have mild nerve damage. I have no feeling on the top of my head around the scars and sometimes the pain signals in that area seem to get redirected to my eyebrows..haha!

And I must say, I LOVE the phrase in your signature ;)
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Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
I'm glad I recovered, too! Sometimes I sit and think about how close I came to non-existence and it's kind of a wake up call. Live life to the fullest ;)
Definitely, don't take anything for granted, that sort of thing.. it's good to have that kind of outlook :)

I have no feeling on the top of my head around the scars and sometimes the pain signals in that area seem to get redirected to my eyebrows..haha!

That is the strangest thing!! I have heard of people getting their legs amputated from the knee down, but can still feel as if their toe itches, even though they don't have one.


New Member
Wow Kasey! That is one hell of a story.. That's amazing.. I sorta kinda did something similar at the same age(well sorta we had no railing on our porch someone didn't see me and opened the door) but ended up falling flat on my back and knocking myself out, but darn... wow seriously.. :) And congrats for being top of the class you deserve it!


New Member
You asked for it.. :main_laugh:


a little booboo on my pinky. The tip was broken in 6 pieces and ALL the outer flesh you see died and regrew in 10 weeks.

Let me see if I can find a few images of the aftermath of chainsaw meets hand.. :main_evilgrin: 289 stitches outside, pins, pullies, traction... 18 months of therapy to use it again.


New Member
I will remove the image :main_laugh::main_laugh:

Sorry, I mistook the title
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New Member
OK, scars for 1992 I think. well the knuckles are from 1986 to 2005 ;)


scars on scars here :D


U shaped scar and the lateral scar where the snapped tendon ripped.

Took 1 second to do and 8+ hours to fix! Chainsaws are dangerous, be careful everyone!!!


Ghoulish Geckos
I must be lucky because I never seem to scar. The only ones I have can't be viewed here (from childbirth). My husband on the other hand seems to scar every time he gets a cut.:main_rolleyes:

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