Shredded Paper Towel Substrate?


New Member
Is shredded paper towel a safe substrate? I want to give her something she can dig in. She hardly comes out of her hide even in the evenings, except for food. When I take her out, she's active and healthy... I think she's just bored, as her enclosure is currently pretty bare bones and I'm still working on gradually making it better. This is coming off as pretty long winded, but basically I have heard of paper towel making a good cleanly substrate, but I haven't heard much about shredding it. I just want something that is cheap, easy, and safe. Paper towel also seems a lot less messy than something like play sand. She eats either out of a bowl or from tongs so the chance of her accidentally eating the paper towel seems very slim. Thoughts?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
You could try it. There is a chance that she could eat some of it and it may make it harder to find the poop. Another choice is to get a Gladware container, cut a square hole in the cover, and use coco fiber. Then she can go in there for a humid hide and also dig in it.


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