Sick Gecko (please read whole post)


New Member
Well, after keeping tarantulas and scorpions for such a long time, I decided to switch back to geckos. As a little kid, my brother would have tons of "Leos". They were all LPS-purchased and spotted. Usually, I do my research on new pets. All of the times that I did, I would be able to jump in easily with all the scientific names and slangs in my long-term memory. But this, this is just too much. Mack het, RAPTOR, APTOR, bell albino, I decided enough was enough and that I would eventually catch on later. I went to the LPS and got a Leo with a fat tail, then all the other things. When the assistant explained all the things I needed to do, I just smiled and nodded (but of course I didn't give into any of that crap). I figured that if I get into reptiles, I may as well start off the easiest way possible and not end up killing a rare morph that I choked over hundreds of dollars for. I was correct. At this point, there is barely a bulge in the Leo- Scally's tail. It has been three weeks of trying to feed him/her mealworms, wazworms, crickets, and Dubia roaches to no avail. Scally measures around 3.5" from head to tail tip, housed in a 5.5 gallon enclosure with a humid hide, water dish, and hollow rock (not a heat rock). There isn't any room for much more anything. A ZooMed heat pad is attached to one side, and there is no heat lamp or anything. There used to be, but it didn't do much. Scally wasn't interested in any of the food offered (they were all calcium-coated and gutloaded, what a waste). This probably doesn't mean anything, but he/she is very skittish, sways slightly every now and then, and takes a couple of seconds to open up the right eye after jumping awake. He/she is asleep for most of the day, and most of the night. With my parents prepared to do anything but get him/her medical attention, I don't think a checkup for parasites would work. Not even a feces test. What should I do for this poor thing?

I can't take any pictures, but the tank is 5.5 gallons, has paper towel "substrate", a moist/humid hide, a water dish, a hiding spot rock, and a Zoomed heat pad.


New Member
Sheffield, UK
My first thoughts is that you said your heat pad was 'attached' ? this makes me think its attached to the side or back of the tank?
If so, it needs to be underneath. Belly heat is important for leos. Without enough belly heat it is harder for leos to digest food and this could be the very reason why she isnt eating.
I suggest putting your heat mat under the tank, and getting the temps to 90 -95 on the surface, so the leo can lay and soak up all that heat. Hopefull will be back to eating normally again soon :)

Remember to use a thermostat, heat mats can get very hot.

Keith N

New Member
Lottsburg, VA.
Like Jordan said try moving it underneath the tank and you should see better results. If its lathargic then yeah it could be the heat pad if its on the side and the overall temp is off.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Go to the top of the page here, click on "articles caresheets" and read a few caresheets to be sure you're doing everything right. Don't give up on the fecal idea at the vets. Many LPS bought leos have parasites because the stress of shipping and overcrowded housing has reduced their immunity. Hopefully this baby will make it. If not, consider buying from a breeder next time.

Good luck,



New Member
I can't put it underneath, it tilts the whole cage. Couldn't I just get another 10 gallon heat pad and put it next to the other one?

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Then you need to put the cage on 2 pieces of wood so that it is lifted off the table surface and there is room for the uth under it. This is a very young leo and a very small tank you're using. Is there any way you can get this little one a 10 gallon tank? Leos need a temperature gradient so taht if one side of the tank is too hot for their liking, they can go to the "cool" side to self regulate their temperature.

Also aside of temps being off as a reason for not eating, how long ago did you get the leo? It could still be settling in.


New Member
This is a very young leo and a very small tank you're using. Is there any way you can get this little one a 10 gallon tank?
Well, the gecko (Scally) is eating after week 3. I eventually found a good area and got a 10 gal. Moved him. Again, he's not eating X( . At least I know what it was now.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
He'll likely need the time to settle again in the new larger tank. It's like starting all over from scratch again. Just give him some quite adjusting time and I bet he'll be back on feed soon enough. Good for you for getting him a larger habitat.


New Member
He'll likely need the time to settle again in the new larger tank. It's like starting all over from scratch again. Just give him some quite adjusting time and I bet he'll be back on feed soon enough. Good for you for getting him a larger habitat.
Through all this, I love the 'lil guy. I hope he's not lonely- he was separated from so many. Although, it was very sad to see them in such bad care. One gecko had molt all over it, they were all on sand, sleeping on top of each other with no source of heat. I consider him lucky :p .

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Leos are solitary animals, you're just applying human emotions where it isn't appropriate. He likely doesn't "miss" his tank mates and he is lucky to have gotten out of that situation. He's prob. more like "Dauym... look at ALL this space all for me... no more fighting for food or struggling to stay warm and this lovely person to wait on me hand and foot".


Psychotic Gecko's
Dayton, Ohio
They sure are cute :) I use to breed them and desided not to anymore and sold all of my leos.. Bad mistake on my end because I miss them dearly lol... (had a rough time last year with having to move in with my hubbys parents and all, but thats another story haha) I do want to get more again though! and hopefually soon lol.. I have 4 pictus geckos now and love them allot but still miss my leos :)
But as long as you get the under tank heater onto the bottom of the tank so he get all the heat to his belly for better digestion you shouldnt have too much of a problem. Then again most of my leos where from breeders. I did have a few who I took in a rescues though but otherwise seemed healthy haha. Good luck with the lil guy!


New Member
They sure are cute :) I use to breed them and desided not to anymore and sold all of my leos.. Bad mistake on my end because I miss them dearly lol... (had a rough time last year with having to move in with my hubbys parents and all, but thats another story haha) I do want to get more again though! and hopefually soon lol.. I have 4 pictus geckos now and love them allot but still miss my leos :)
But as long as you get the under tank heater onto the bottom of the tank so he get all the heat to his belly for better digestion you shouldnt have too much of a problem. Then again most of my leos where from breeders. I did have a few who I took in a rescues though but otherwise seemed healthy haha. Good luck with the lil guy!
Thanks! Most people breed Leos, but I find it hard and tedious. Years back when my brother was here, geckos ruled the house. Then he got accepted to a music college in Boston. Well, he packed his bags, sold the Leos, and went off. You should definitely try again.

Anyways, what is APTOR and RAPTOR?


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
Thanks! Most people breed Leos, but I find it hard and tedious. Years back when my brother was here, geckos ruled the house. Then he got accepted to a music college in Boston. Well, he packed his bags, sold the Leos, and went off. You should definitely try again.

Anyways, what is APTOR and RAPTOR?

An aptor is an albino patternless tremper orange and a raptor is a red eyed albino patternless tremper orange

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