Signs of going into shed?


New Member
I have snakes but I'm new to the gecko deal! I know when my snakes are getting ready to shed but what are the signs of geckos starting to go into shed do they lose some color? Do they hide? Do there eyes turn blue? And how long from when you see signs to when they actually shed? Do you keep a humid hide in all the time or just when you see them going into shed? Thanks:main_rolleyes::main_rolleyes:
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The signs are probably similar to a snake...they arent as bright as usual, get dull looking, they start scratching against rocks or any cage decor, they usually lose their usual appetite. I've noticed it lasting a day or 2 for some, and some look dull for a week before they shed, just depends. I always keep a humid hide in their enclosure at all times :)


New Member
Ok then let me ask you if you keep your hide in all the time how often do you wet the moss and then how long do you use the same moss before throwing it away?:main_cool3::main_cool3:


I mist it as soon as it looks dried out, and I change it once a month (or sooner if its needed). I haven't had anyone poop in their hide yet, but have read on here that it has happened. Then of course you'd have to change it immediately, but I think that's rare b/c they like things to be clean. Thats why they choose a poop corner, so they can stay away from it :) It's great that way cause you can make it easier on your self by putting in a little "litter box" of sand, or lay a papertowel there to make cleaning easier.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Just to add sphagnum moss actually has antibacterial/antifungal qualitiies to it so you could actually rinse out the whole wad in a pot of hot water, let it rehydrate, ring it out and use it like new. Your moss should be able to last 3-ish months imo. Also I mist mine 3x a week on feeding days, unless I see Eros is clearly ghosted then I mist daily. He's on an about every 2-3 weeks shed schedule and it takes him about 3 days from the beginning to actually shed. he doesn't lose appatite tho... he just doesn't want to be held usually.

Their eyes don't cloud over like a snake (that I've seen), but you can get stuck shed on/over the eyes if you don't have enough humidity during the shed. Here is a great article on stuck eye sheds:

Here's a couple pix of what a shedding leo looks like:





Hope this helps.


New Member
South West
Hey, I just thought I would say...
My geckos keep their monstrous appetite through their shedding process. I just added 2 more geckos to my collection and the male was in shed when I got him and he was done before the next morning. My female got dull the next day and she was done with her shed within 24 hours. None of my geckos have had shedding issues.
But they do get a dull color, somethimes they don't want to be touched, and I would keep a humid hide in your cage at all times. It gives the gecko another fun place to explore and they have the choice to either go to a warm hide or a humid hide, not just sit in one hide. Good luck! Hope something I said helped! Haha!

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